User submitted: Do you have a significant other?

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Do you have a significant other?

Total Votes : 4,064
For 21 years I was single. I watched dozens of romantic animes which made me really sad because I could´t find my soulmate. All the girls made fun of me because I was too thin.
Then I went to the University 400km away from my hometown (I spent some years in the Army first) and then I had a real life Romantic Anime experience. I have the same girlfriend for over 5 years and I´m quite happy!

Sometimes we just need a change of environment. In my hometown nobody liked me. In my new town, I actually had to choose the girlfriend that I wanted!
Still single, but I'm still 18... So, I guess I still have some chances... Though, I had a chance with a classmate of mine back when I was still 16, but I was quite the unsocial coward back then who only have one friend which is my best friend. Then the moment came that he liked the same girl that I thought to myself that I had no chances against him, so I helped him instead.. The result?

Well, he's still my best friend and I'm quite close to her now... But I'm now the third wheel.
(and he already took her virginity )

Reality...... no body escapes its horror even those people who are lucky.........

Aaahhh....... so empty (`_`)
Blanket Man Hentai Harvester
18 and I have yet to have a girlfriend :-/. Most likely because
A) Too busy playing video games
a) Primarily Dota 2

B) Way too busy watching anime

C) I have a phobia of offending people to an irrational degree
c) I mean, I'm scared to ask the teacher for help because I don't want to be a bother. I am nowhere NEAR being able to try and get close to a girl, because "what if she has a significant other boyfriend and he/she would be offended and not like me?"
I actually have a boyfriend. I was lucky enough to find a guy who enjoys watching hentai with his girl. it has its perks !
I'm a girl and clearly in the minority here, lol. I don't see the point of dating when I have a high powered vibrator and the internet.So many guys out there that don't know what they are doing I will stick to my toys :/
I am interested in living with a significant other but my country has a religious background so you can't go too far with your girl unless you're married, so until moving out or getting married I'll stick to fakku
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Girlthathasfantasys wrote...
I feel like im the only girl on this website 😑

Look through the thread again and you'll notice some female users. Hell, search around old topics in the forums and you'll see that girls are here. Ratio is very obviously skewed, but I've met my fair share of girls over the years here too.
I'm single no relationship I've tried has really worked out. Riajuus should just explode.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Engaged to my girlfriend of just under 2 years.
Some of you are actually married???!!
Their was one special girl out there, her name was Kathy. Shit, she brought me into this world. All I wanted was for her to be happy, even if it's with another man. "Her neighbor with the Persian cats..." Actually loved her even if she loved me back or not but I've never been able to play video games with any other girl or watch anime or even read weird stories like this online and have the time of my life. now I'm just alone, I'm happy... It took time. But I finally found myself after I I lost her from my life. now it's time but if shes still out there I wish I can find her and say that I'm sorry sorry that I got mad it was not your fault it was mine I should've given you the ring when you wanted it. Times and seasons come and go but your beauty and person will always remain with me, I often think of you. I'm grown now. No longer a selfish child but a man. The past means nothing if your out there whether in McAllen or Houston I'm still here, in the same place. I still love what you love. And even more so, it has become my world. My only. If alas I could share it with you Kitty. I'm sorry. About that day, I should have not have bin jealous. But I wanted you, and I was but a babe who yet did not know how treacherous the heart really could be. Kathy, if you do see this some how or some where. I'll always be right here waiting. I'm sorry; since you've left our grand halls, I've grown fat. Depressed and grown a mustache. Hair long. I no longer have friends. But lately I've just only seen a glimmer of hope. A good doctor gave me these pills and now I'm sain. I have found my self. After you left I took my life twice. I was but a number to the state. I had to fight to escape with humanity. It's bin a long road since you've bin gone. I've grown and over come obsticals that were daunting. The pain of you yelling at me that day. I deserved it. I never had heard you in that tone. I accept you are no longer mine nore that you ever were. But if you do. I will spend all my days keeping you company, I will be your greatest freind, your greatest brother, your greatest lover. I will indure any hardship for you. I will be that man, that defender. I will allow no one to make fun of the anime that we watch or the manga that we read, to songs that move our hearts, or the games we play on tv. Nothing matters. But one thing you must know, when I did touch your hand or felt your kind embrace I quivered and felt a warmth that makes my chest tremble at just the thought. You and only you achieved that. I've bin with no other and shall not even bother haste to the test of taste. Because their is only one woman for Isaac and that's Katalina with all her grace. I remorse I beg, I'm sorry I brought such disgrace. I don't care of your situation status or even face, I would take you in my arms in an instant imbrace. I miss you...
Fakku should set up a dating service based on what everyone has in their favorite tags...
Not gonna lie I have a cute little Asian girl friend but Hentai is bae af still cause reasons
Had I not pursued this one I have right now, I would've stayed single by choice.
She rolls with what I do, and we also work at the same office. Same hobbies too.

Had her for more than 7 years now and counting.
Yes me Loli <3
Maybe one day I'll be married if the right woman comes along but single is the life for me.
I'm single but i'm just to scared to get into a relationship of that type, i'm a loner anyway.
Seraphiccandy wrote...
I'm a girl and clearly in the minority here, lol. I don't see the point of dating when I have a high powered vibrator and the internet.So many guys out there that don't know what they are doing I will stick to my toys :/

^ Sort of ditto. Except there's some social phobias mixed up in the mess for me, and I still haven't gotten around to getting that vibrator >_>
Married since 2014.

But I've been with Fakku long enough to have gone from single, to in a relationship and then to married during the course of 6 years.
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