Can FAKKU subscription and FAKKU books be different colors?

The tags are similar and sometimes I click on a book thinking I have access to it and then my dick gets sad :(
BitNdragon More Than A God
I actually agree that would be nice some easy way of telling them apart. I buy all the books but when the meme50 book came out I almost didn't notice since I thought that they were subscriptions. I'm not sure what color they would use though since the site is red and white :P
BitNdragon wrote...
I actually agree that would be nice some easy way of telling them apart. I buy all the books but when the meme50 book came out I almost didn't notice since I thought that they were subscriptions. I'm not sure what color they would use though since the site is red and white :P

Yeah the site is red themed because of Asuka =p

So I'm not sure other colors would fit in either.
What about orange like the subtle tit covers on asuka's suit
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
beeEAZY wrote...
What about orange like the subtle tit covers on asuka's suit

red, orange, and black might work. Whoever's in charge of designing the graphics would have to fiddle around a bit with the colors though. I like the idea in theory, hope it happens.