How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?

swordmanXIII FAKKU's Breaker
Tis the season to wait for a man to invade your home and instead of take shit, he gives you shit. Yeah sounds hard to believe. For my young dumb self it was easy to believe.
So how old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Did you ever believe, or were you in on it from the start? Or did you believe in something else entirely, for some other winter holiday tradition?

Well I was eight when found out their was no Santa, I was tasked with cleaning out our storage shed a few days before X-mas. I found a lot of gifts in their, some of them that was stuff I liked. I just walked back out and didn't clean the shed. A few minutes later my dad came up to me and asked if I got to the shed yet, I said no and he said good that he wanted to do it because I would just make more of a mess. X-mas comes I see my gifts from Santa and behold it was the same shit that was in the shed. Never told anyone, just kept it to myself. Yeah..... some of my childhood died that day.
We didn't do Santa in my house. Jesus is the reason for the season.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Probably when I hit double digits. Had suspected long before that though, always found it odd I had to go to sleep to receive my presents and only adults were exempt from the "go to sleep" rule.
I think I was like still a little kid when I just started questioning the whole thing. I probably was younger than 10? And I just straight up asked my parents if he was real and they said no. I actually can't remember ever believing that much in Santa ever. I mean hell I even tried to play dumb once and pretended I still believed in the tooth fairy. Again, I don't think I ever believed in it.

I guess I didn't care who gave me shit as long as I got something.

Hell I even knew what sex was before I was 10 I think because I was making fun of my parents at school cuz I kept hearing them and then my Dad is like "That's how you make babies" and I was like "OHHHHHH ok".
I don't think thirld world country people like me ever believed in Santa.
Never believed. I grew up celebrating family at Christmas time, not Jesus bday. As far as I'm concerned Santas a guy who died a long ass time ago, and who's myth has been perpetuated by a bunch of people who killed my ancestors...
I was 8 years old at the time, a friend that I had gotten to know said that there was no Santa Claus. The reason I wasn't too upset with him was that his family was pretty poor so they would only get one or two gifts a year while my family was upper middle class. Plus a few years later my sister was born so I got to see Santa again for myself.
Wait Santa isn't real? WTF!?
Of coarse Santa's real she shows up ever Christmas wearing a ribbon
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I was like 3-4 when I saw my parents wrapping presents. I was at least able to put two and two together.

Never really cared or felt betrayed.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Probably 5 when I saw my dad carry my new bike up the steps.
Well, where I come from we only have one magical bearded man, but he dresses in olive green not red.

Forum Image:

He doesn't bring gifts either.
I think around 9.
Never did. I helped wrap my own presents lol.

Then my parents told me to act cute and surprised on Christmas.

I don't remember how old I was, but it was definitely before grade 3.
I may sound a bit weird and childish for this, but I never stopped believing in a sense. I knew my parents did the part of santa, but they made it so much fun for me that I enjoyed believing it was Santa. Knew when I got to middleschool, but again just went along with it because I saw how much effort my parents put into it all, they had so much fun and for me, I will always appreciate what they did for me (still do). Sort of represents my love of miracles, magic, wonder, etc. So even now after knowing my parents played the part of santa since I was a kid, I still like to believe what Santa represents... yeah I know laugh if you want (-//-)>
swordmanXIII FAKKU's Breaker
Misaki_Chi wrote...
I may sound a bit weird and childish for this, but I never stopped believing in a sense. I knew my parents did the part of santa, but they made it so much fun for me that I enjoyed believing it was Santa. Knew when I got to middleschool, but again just went along with it because I saw how much effort my parents put into it all, they had so much fun and for me, I will always appreciate what they did for me (still do). Sort of represents my love of miracles, magic, wonder, etc. So even now after knowing my parents played the part of santa since I was a kid, I still like to believe what Santa represents... yeah I know laugh if you want (-//-)>

Stop making me feel feelings!
I never stopped believing in a man that was dead and gone...Santa is based on multiple people in history so in a sense he was real but dead and gone.