We're spoiled, all of us

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Most if not all the hentai we've been enjoying was never meant to be made available free. Same with manga, and a lot of anime. It's still going on to this day. We're all used to consuming this content without having to spend a penny because someone else made the effort to make it available to us.

Now FAKKU has taken a step forward and they're saying, "Hey now we have a legal option. You can get your fix through the proper channels now." and the shitstorm ensues.

We can either throw tantrums, whine, and shout OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers. The way it was always supposed to be. OR we could be pirates. And just continue doing what we've always done. No need to be a brat about it. Problem solved! Right?
I just love hentai. That's all that matters.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be pirates.

Sounds pretty good. At least that way I keep access for what I "paid" for instead of losing it on the whims of whoever the fuck owns the site.
xihiroix Sun Worshipper
snowplow123 wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be pirates.

Sounds pretty good. At least that way I keep access for what I "paid" for instead of losing it on the whims of whoever the fuck owns the site.

^ This will happen eventually on every site you go to. Just saying.
NEXUS Since 2010
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be pirates.

GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Urusai69 wrote...
I just love hentai. That's all that matters.

And that is exactly the reason why I pay for the subscription, enjoy my premium content and don't whine about it!
It's the entitled generation basically. We want everything for nothing or less then nothing. People feel entitled to things not wishing to earn them for themselves and those that do work hard to earn them are either mocked or condemned.

I know I'm one I was spoiled as a child, but I tried to never be a brat about it. I am grateful for everything I have gotten in life an even though I went through life with wanting little, I never expected nor demanded anything. People also don't respect nor cherish the things they get for free. I know even when they get the thing they were wanting it was more about showing off the big "fuck you" to whoever you got the bargain from (legally or not) rather then appreciating the actual item.

Sad to see honestly, I know I watch and read shit for free, but I still like to try and pay for things even after the fact because if it's something I find value or worth in, then I can justify me spending my hard earned cash for it.

In the end this sort of behavior won't make you any happier or give your life any more meaning, it's just wasted, misplaced energy that will leave you feeling devoid of any sense of true purpose; there is no real winner through any of this.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
It all comes done to people being mad about their free shit being gone.

People also seem to like going about how the Sub that $12.95 a month is way too much for them to pay when they work a minimum wage job most of the time. This also goes for the books as well. If you want the book in your hand at some point it's $20 + $5 for shipping so $25 for a book. Little too much, maybe, maybe not. I for one love the books and I'm fine with how much they are as well for all the work they put into them.

I work for $7.50 an hour and only get about 22 hours a week on a good work week, and I can still pay for my Sub that have had for a long time now without fail, pay my rent, get food, and buy one of the books if I want to.

People also need to think about a little place by the name of Crunchyroll. I don't think people know how much shit Crunchyroll had going on when it pulled all the free shit like Fakku just did and said "Hi guys, we want to be the real thing when it come to anime. We want to be that place you go to when you want to watch anime to help support anime"

If you want the shit for free just go to E-Hentai/ExHentai or what ever you can find, but none of the works you'll find will be the uncensored ones from the artist that Fakku has right now. But given time, yes, shit well be out there.

When it comes down to it Hentai Artists need to make a damn living too, fuckers! You can't tell me there's not one god damn Hentai Artist out there right now that you would not give $10 to just to see them put out there next work. If you can't...well...why the bloody fucking hell are you here for?!
I have bought tons of anime related stuff I could have gotten for free, and I don't support Fakku for a different reason other than monthly payments, at least right now.
To be honest, i prefer free content(although i'll try paying for it once in a while just for the gold title because i'm a bit envious), but at least i'm not gonna whine like a little bitch about the maintenance bugs and the loss of free content here. I've came here for the forums and apparently this is the only forum that has the Waifu Game to solve waifu disputes, because i've found other sites for fap content before this happened. i've prepared for this to happen since the paid Books were announced.
Oh noes the pirates are bad people!
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers.

I'm certain a large portion of those who're bitching are minors. Which would also explain their childish behavior.
Papa Nito wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers.

I'm certain a large portion of those who're bitching are minors. Which would also explain their childish behavior.

I second this assumption.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Papa Nito wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers.

I'm certain a large portion of those who're bitching are minors. Which would also explain their childish behavior.

I second this assumption.

You must understand: children can´t get credit cards, so they are sad, because they can´t get a subscription and are too lazy to find another free site...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Papa Nito wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers.

I'm certain a large portion of those who're bitching are minors. Which would also explain their childish behavior.

I second this assumption.

You must understand: children can´t get credit cards, so they are sad, because they can´t get a subscription and are too lazy to find another free site...

Of course.

Currently, i may not be proud as a leecher who prefers free content(though i have no qualms about paid content), but at least i'm not gonna be a whiny one (That's one small step for support i guess). I'll plan to be a fellow sub eventually because a nifty Gold Title beside my username looks good imo.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Papa Nito wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
OR we could be adults, man the fuck up and be normal customers.

I'm certain a large portion of those who're bitching are minors. Which would also explain their childish behavior.

I second this assumption.

You must understand: children can´t get credit cards, so they are sad, because they can´t get a subscription and are too lazy to find another free site...

Of course.

Currently, i may not be proud as a leecher who prefers free content(though i have no qualms about paid content), but at least i'm not gonna be a whiny one (That's one small step for support i guess). I'll plan to be a fellow sub eventually because a nifty Gold Title beside my username looks good imo.

I must say you are the role model of the ideal free user
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...

I must say you are the role model of the ideal free user

I've learned a lot from those whiny leecher types. Besides, complaining about loss of free material here is a lose/lose for me.. I won't get the desired content, and Goldies/subscribers will bash back and win against the whiner. And i'm not here to make enemies with Goldies here. I'm just here for the forums and the Waifu Game.
It's 0$0$free0$0$!

This issue about people spoiled matters not, if you been on the internet for 1 day then you'll know everything is pirated.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...

I must say you are the role model of the ideal free user

I've learned a lot from those whiny leecher types. Besides, complaining about loss of free material here is a lose/lose for me.. I won't get the desired content, and Goldies/subscribers will bash back and win against the whiner. And i'm not here to make enemies with Goldies here. I'm just here for the forums and the Waifu Game.

Waifus bring people together!
As a kid I would go to free sites and download all sorts of things (not specifically hentai). But as I got older technology evolved and it became easier to get things legally if you were willing to spend the money. My attitude toward intellectual property also changed as I got older.

I enjoyed the free content on Fakku and will seriously miss some of the amazing things that this included, but I am not complaining that the content is gone. I understand why it is gone and the content I have paid for on Fakku has been nothing short of amazing.
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