Is it wrong to pick up girls at the bank?

So this girl at my local bank is into anime, we've had a few back and forth "Have you heard of x,y,z? I recommend A,B,C." etc. etc. Only been maybe a week or three of light banter while I deposit money from my job.

So of course operation "MAKE THIS WOMAN MY WAIFU" has begun. Still in the early stages, status unverifiable as of writing.

Anyway the last thing she seriously recommended was 'Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?'

I've breezed past it when searching for new stuff on hulu/netflix, because by the art style and description it seemed like a rather typical ecchi/fantasy/moe/love comedy. After the first episode I'm not really sure how to feel about it, seems okay, but nothing really grabbed me off the bat. I guess my question is: does it really do anything interesting/novel with it's world/characters? Or is it same-y and predictable?

TL/DR: I'm going to watch "Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" in a likely vain attempt to score brownie points with a girl. Will I hate myself afterwards?
Don't get why you have to force yourself to watch something just because a pretty girl reccomends it. Just give it a try and if you don't like it you don't have to and don't have to watch it. Not like you two are married or anything. Besides better to be honest then force yourself to do something another person likes. I know I hated when my ex would do that.
Fair enough, honestly most of the setup for that was a joke in bad taste I suppose. I guess the larger issue is that finding a female nerd, let alone one with any weab/otaku tendencies is like finding a unicorn where I live, so i feel like i have to approach this whole situation with kit gloves. But I am probably getting very very far ahead of myself. Not like we've really said much to each other besides a quick blerb's about what anime we like.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Picking girls at the bank? Madness, they know your wealth status and what you pay for.

As for "Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?", unless you're notorious shounen watcher it's shit, pure shit, mc has Ãœber plot armour and power boosts out of nowhere, characters are flatter than lolis, girls are empty fanservice dolls that draw toward mc like moths to light sources.
Show got high marks only because fucking weebs love personality-lacking doll Hestia - perfect waifu material for someone who doesn't know that girls are normal humans too.
Romana FAKKU Letterer
Don't treat her like a unicorn, or expect her to fit you ideal geek girl fantasy. Treat her like a dude, a dude who just happens to have a vagina.

Dating can be rough, and even more so getting to the point where you ask her out. And don't worry if you don't like everything she likes and vice versa. If you're looking for a mirror image of yourself that will be near impossible to find, and if they were it'd just be kinda boring.

Anyway as a anime nerd girl myself who has been apoached by a lot of guys in awe with my interests, I personally wish a lot of them would have gotten advice like this:

Doctor Nerd Love on dating Geek Girls

He's got a great column that helps introvert geeks get through the awkwardness of when they first deal with the opposite sex.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Romana wrote...
And don't worry if you don't like everything she likes and vice versa.

And pray that she doesn't have skewed morality and will consider buying hentai creepy lol.
devvah wrote...
Romana wrote...
And don't worry if you don't like everything she likes and vice versa.

And pray that she doesn't have skewed morality and will consider buying hentai creepy lol.

If you enjoy it then it shouldn't matter. If the person you care about cares for you they shouldn't have an issue with what you like, if they do then they aren't for you.

And what romana said, were not special, were just people so don't treat us like some weird and rare unicorn please. I've had guys do it before and it's a bit creepy. I'm just a person that happens to be nerdy, but other then that nothing special. Just treat a woman like you would your guy friends and be chill. If you like them make it known and if it fails hey at least you tried.
you think too hard. just ask her. After much pain, loss of sleep and general self recrimination, i have come the the realization that humans are inherently sexual beings, and so theres no plan one needs to follow. just nut up and do it. if you crash and burn, you have two options. move past it before your next pay day, or find a new bank
Personally, what I've done with girls is a thing of "I'll check out your recommendation, and you check out mine." That way you both get a feel of each others interests, and learn a little something about each other in the process. Of course there's more to relationships than just mutual interests, but it can serve as a little ice breaker sometimes.

Misaki_Chi wrote...
And what romana said, were not special, were just people so don't treat us like some weird and rare unicorn please. I've had guys do it before and it's a bit creepy. I'm just a person that happens to be nerdy, but other then that nothing special. Just treat a woman like you would your guy friends and be chill.

In the recent years, I hardly believe in the thing people refer to as Geek, or Nerd Culture. Most things people would consider for geeks, or nerds such as video games, anime, comics, etc. are becoming fairly mainstream. Most people I know, myself included, who indulge in "geek things" don't even initially come off as someone who appears as a "geek". So yeah, I kinda cringe at the thought of "geek culture", as I don't feel like I'm part of some kind of culture. Just a simple dude, who happens to like things such as games, and anime bullshit.