Geeky Shirts

What kind of shirts you have you think the average person would find weird from their ignorance~

I'm just basically asking what kind of hobby inspired t-shirts you got~lol Or funny ones you got for a laugh~:P

I love homestuck so I got a Dirk Heart Shirt, A chibi Akashi from Kuroko no basket, and an attack on Titan one~

Pictures are a plus or even showing yourself wearing the shirt is just dandy!
I have a shirt from the show "Rick & Morty" ! I'd love show it to you by myself but i have forgot it in Venezuela. :'(
The other shirts that i have are just website shirts like Fakku and Newgrounds.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
I got a Touhou Shirt and a Darth Vader Shirt.
I have a shirt that says "Player 1" on it, I have a shirt with the Blue Badger from Phoenix Wright on it, I have a shirt with the Pure White Lovers Bizarre Jelly girls from NMH and a shirt with the star from NMH, I have an 8-bit Theater shirt, I have the RAVE and Empty shirt from Catherine, Hentie shirt, two FLCL shirts... lol I like geeky t-shirts.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Not sure if I have any shirts that scream "geek," but I know of one I wish I had.

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I'd imagine people would be giggling as I walked by. :u
CronaBaka wrote...
Not sure if I have any shirts that scream "geek," but I know of one I wish I had.

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I'd imagine people would be giggling as I walked by. :u

Omg your so brave!!! x//D
Lets see:

I have 2 Eureka 7 shirts featuring the Nirvash, a parody of an Ecko shirt with an AT-AT from Star Wars, A silhouette of Gundam Strike freedom, A purple and pink Panty and Stocking shirt from Anime Expo, and a line art shirt with the mascot from an anime club from San Diego.
I have a handful of video game shirts. But they're all from Insert Coin, and their designs tend to be more stylish, and contain subtle game references, than a shirt that would just plainly say "Minecraft", for example. Like nobody even asks questions in regards to a shirt that says "Camp Lordran" included with a picture of a bonfire, or "Yharnam, Home of Blood Ministration"
I actually collect geeky shirts and I'll try to post a pic of some of them in here soon! I use to be insecure to wear them out, but now I love the conversations that are started over some of them. The Fakku Hen-Tie shirt gets a lot of hype when I wear it, always glad to meet fellow pervs (^w^)
I wouldn't consider it a unique shirt, but all my friends love it.... its a thundercats tshirt from back in the day. I'm sure you can find one online and all. I'll attach am image link for those who may not know.

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I had an older thundercats shirt. The red was all felt. It was great. Just recently got I'm doing starcraft shirts and hats
Nice. I like thundercats too. So~ GREAT SHIRT! Hell Yeah. B|
I love collecting "geeky" shirts. I will post up my collection later, but a lot of them are either from either animes or games that I really enjoy, or conventions that partook in.
*bangs my head on table*

SO. Expressing your feels is nice and all but.....IT'D BE NICE IF YOU GUYS

A. Named what shirt it is and-

B. I dunno. Just name the goddamn shirt please and not keep us in suspense like, DURRR GEEZ I haz lotsa shirts!

-The End

Story written and directed by a mr/miss/mrs mysteriouso that wants to keep us from knowing his or her true form. We cannot see this or ever know this shirts whereabouts. Even though thats the...WHOLE POINT OF MY FUCKING THREAD!!!! DDDX

Thanks and have a nice day. -.-)y-~~~ Im actually very high right now and so chill a donkey can take a nice big shit on my floor and I'd probably not get as mad as I should be.

Take this to heart when I'am truthfully saying this has NOTHING to do with ANYONE in particular nor was it directed at any user. Im just putting this out here for reference that in a geeky shirt thread you say, "I have a shirt". And pretend the viewers who see what you wrote, in a thread, about posting, "WHAT KIND OF GEEKY SHIRTS YOU HAVE" , the viewers didnt just kept struck dumb and are now whimpering on the floor in their own drool feeling very confused and slightly more retarded then before entering this site.

So please. For the sake of the threads purpose, and all the fbi agents watching you write down what kind of shirt you have, just post what kind of shirt it is that you are keeping locked up your vault of secrecy or just please dont post at all.

Thank you. Sincerely.
I have a yandere tribute shirt and a danganronpa scissors blood splatter shirt. I wear the yandere one a lot since it's my favorite and looks much better than the danganronpa one. Would post photos but I'm not wearing it right now; nor can I be arsed to find my older photo.

Oh right, and I have an AoT hoodie that I don't wear too often anymore. I need to get back into shape for that.
bongzilla Your Weird Cousin
I have a few...
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