Issues with links in After School Vanilla

Feronen Vanilla Pope
Just thought I would mention that, at present, when clicking the Ultramarine chapter (inb4 terrible 40K references), the link redirects to Matsuri Hold.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Thanks, I've gone and created a reminder for someone to fix this.
Feronen wrote...
Ultramarine chapter (inb4 terrible 40K references)

You have no power here
I don't actually know any ultramarine quotes/ puns to make, so I just felt like saying that :v
Feronen Vanilla Pope
Drifter995 wrote...
Feronen wrote...
Ultramarine chapter (inb4 terrible 40K references)

You have no power here
I don't actually know any ultramarine quotes/ puns to make, so I just felt like saying that :v

Should be... fixed?