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These travesty anime need to stop being made...

When will you give me something worth my time?

Both have been massive disappointments.

Please, spend money to make money you fucks.

Being cheap doesn't always work.

inb4 #ibismypersonalblog
正義 wrote...

Both have been massive disappointments.

You mean the CG Golden Age movies and the new show, right? What about the the 90s OVAs?

Honestly, the Golden Age movies were kind of ugly but they handled the story well at least and didn't offend my sensibilities too much.

I won't say that of this new TV anime since it looks far worse and is pretty dang disappointing, but at least it's better than freakin' Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars.
Der Kizer wrote...
You mean the CG Golden Age movies and the new show, right? What about the the 90s OVAs?

Honestly, the Golden Age movies were kind of ugly but they handled the story well at least and didn't offend my sensibilities too much.

I won't say that of this new TV anime since it looks far worse and is pretty dang disappointing, but at least it's better than freakin' Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars.

Yeah. Haven't seen the 90s ovas and I actually paid money to buy the golden age movies on DVD so I felt incredibly ripped off.

That being said, I'm still paying monthly to watch this new piece of shit and it failed every expectation I've had so far.

Was so hyped for something good because there's finally another Berserk anime and the writer came back to make more manga finally, but this is pissing me off more than it's worth.

Don't bother with it, I have limited time with 2 jobs and university so it's certainly not worth wasting what limited time I have.
正義 wrote...

Yeah. Haven't seen the 90s ovas and I actually paid money to buy the golden age movies on DVD so I felt incredibly ripped off.

That being said, I'm still paying monthly to watch this new piece of shit and it failed every expectation I've had so far.

Was so hyped for something good because there's finally another Berserk anime and the writer came back to make more manga finally, but this is pissing me off more than it's worth.

Don't bother with it, I have limited time with 2 jobs and university so it's certainly not worth wasting what limited time I have.

Ooo... Yeah, I didn't like the Golden Age stuff enough to ever consider buying it. I would have judged it more harshly as well if I had dropped money on it. I don't blame you for giving up on the new anime either, I doubt it will improve.

And this anime season really does seem to be generally sucking. However, if you have dat Crunchyroll membership Sweetness & Lightning is pretty good. It's a slow-paced SoL show about a single father trying to cook for his adorable little girl and some weird student of his gets involved though anime BS. I have never read the manga, so I don't know what to expect going forwards, but it had a promising first episode.

Also watched Thunderbolt Fantasy and was pleasantly surprised. It's not an anime but a weird wuxia inspired stop motion puppet show. The plot seems like it will be kind of meh, but the little details are fun to look at and the action is quite well done. Crazy swordsmanship and blood effects with puppets.
0 least Berserk manga is good.

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote... least Berserk manga is good.


Yea, but I'm not reading it anymore until the dude finishes it. I'll probably be 50 by then.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Forum Image:

Well it's a studio used to making low budget cutesy works. I've heard different impressions but it seems it's mostly negative for this anime so I'm gonna skip it.
Holy shit. How do you go from ALL CUTESY to BOSS BERSERK!

PFFT. Please. At least get your gore wet with hellsing or SOMETHING horror related. That cute shit to berserk is just sad. No wonder it has bad reviews.
cruz737 wrote...
Forum Image:

Well it's a studio used to making low budget cutesy works. I've heard different impressions but it seems it's mostly negative for this anime so I'm gonna skip it.

No wonder it's so shitty - fucking 3 minute moeblob studio picked up a horror gore vore fucking rapefest seinen with such an intense and deep storyline - there's no way they could get that right.

This studio has lost respect for the one thing they had an inkling of my respect for prior to this - consistently pumping out shitty moeblob short animations for cashuls to buy keychains and hype over.

Did I say respect? I meant disdain. Now, I feel nothing for them but rage and emptiness.

Golden age was bad, but this is thousands of leagues worse. How could you butcher my precious berserk so?
cruz737 wrote...
Forum Image:

Well it's a studio used to making low budget cutesy works. I've heard different impressions but it seems it's mostly negative for this anime so I'm gonna skip it.

I would be less concerned about the cutsy stuff and more concerned that they have only worked on shorts.

OLM made Pokemon after all.
Forum Image:
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
CGI aside, I think they're doing a pretty good job despite their track record. Believe me, it could've been much worse.
Ryssen wrote...

I would be less concerned about the cutsy stuff and more concerned that they have only worked on shorts.

For reals though. All this hatred of moeshit makes me sad. It's not moeshit's fault guys! The shorts that they did were really ugly and bad too! The studio just sucks at making things look good! The redone CGI Berserk designs look awful! The frame-by-frame with the rabbit dying in episode one is absolutely cringeworthy, but it's not the fact that they produce moeshit that makes it bad, it's the fact that they just produce shit. They couldn't even do smoothly animated shorts, regardless of the genre.

FinalBoss wrote...
CGI aside, I think they're doing a pretty good job despite their track record. Believe me, it could've been much worse.

Also this. But I would say "ok-ish" rather than "good." Despite the poor CGI and some weird skipping the story is mostly intact and I am happy with the sound design so far. Guts sounds like a boss and his sword makes a really cool clang. I believe I will keep watching it just to enjoy the novelty of being able to simultaneously watch anime adaptations of both Berserk and Jojo part 4.
They need to stop all fate series except illya.
Meh. The Golden Age arc was the best part of the story anyway. I don't care for most of Guts' party.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
animefreak_usa wrote...
They need to stop all fate series .

animefreak_usa wrote...
They need to stop all fate series except illya.

Everyone needs to stop fate series except ufotable.
Although, if you mean all, at least wait until heavens feel is out, so we have the third route from the vn. Probably need a solid sabre route tho
I was bummed that the Snake Baron was absent. Reading Berserk for the first time, and seeing him do what he does in the first chapter left a strong impression in my eyes. But given the animation quality, it's probably best he was never included. The confrontation between him, and Guts is what hooked me, and caused me to read further. The first episode of the new anime with the chariot, and skeletons doesn't have as strong of a pull.
Episode 1 is like.... Pressing the fucking A button repeatedly to skip the dialogue. Yeah, it's kinda sucks that they didn't include the fucking lost children Arc.
Drifter995 wrote...
Probably need a solid sabre route tho

Saber's Fate route is the worst route.

There's not much you can do when the writing is god-awful.

Don't get me wrong, I love the VNs and have played both F/SN and Hollow Ataraxia (with limited translation, thank my Japanese reading skill after 2 years of classes for that), but F/SN's Fate route is a product of poor and lazy writing, pure and simple.

The other routes fall victim to these problems at times as well, but they don't suck from beginning to end, with limited hype driving the plot.

I mean, there are some fuzzy moments a limited sex scene, but I'm a complete package kind of person - if the overall product is bad, then having a few small good points isn't going to save it for me.

The only thing the Fate route has going for it is that you're forced to play it during your first run instead of the other two, which you have to gradually unlock.

As in, the story sucks and you have to complete it twice before it becomes great.

Twice I say?

What about Unlimited Blade Works?

UBW route isn't nearly as bad in terms of writing as Fate, but it still suffers from a fucking stupid logical progression style I cannot ignore, mostly because your idiotic actions are not punished with the same weight they were in the fate route, which was one of the few things that route did correctly.

This is an unforgivable blunder for this route, to me, even though it's basically just "I'm a shounen action hero so fuck my future fate, I'll overturn it!" - you know, typical shounen anime bullshit.

Damn, I should get paid to write reviews for shit like this.

Then maybe I can quit my jobs, lol.
正義 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Probably need a solid sabre route tho

Saber's Fate route is the worst route.

There's not much you can do when the writing is god-awful.

Don't get me wrong, I love the VNs and have played both F/SN and Hollow Ataraxia (with limited translation, thank my Japanese reading skill after 2 years of classes for that), but F/SN's Fate route is a product of poor and lazy writing, pure and simple.

The other routes fall victim to these problems at times as well, but they don't suck from beginning to end, with limited hype driving the plot.

I mean, there are some fuzzy moments a limited sex scene, but I'm a complete package kind of person - if the overall product is bad, then having a few small good points isn't going to save it for me.

The only thing the Fate route has going for it is that you're forced to play it during your first run instead of the other two, which you have to gradually unlock.

As in, the story sucks and you have to complete it twice before it becomes great.

Twice I say?

What about Unlimited Blade Works?

UBW route isn't nearly as bad in terms of writing as Fate, but it still suffers from a fucking stupid logical progression style I cannot ignore, mostly because your idiotic actions are not punished with the same weight they were in the fate route, which was one of the few things that route did correctly.

This is an unforgivable blunder for this route, to me, even though it's basically just "I'm a shounen action hero so fuck my future fate, I'll overturn it!" - you know, typical shounen anime bullshit.

Damn, I should get paid to write reviews for shit like this.

Then maybe I can quit my jobs, lol.

Make youtube reviews like douchebagchocolat.
But nah, that's fair enough. I honestly haven't seen the original series, or read the vn yet, but have watched ubw. I did really enjoy ubw, and from what I've been teased during carnival phantasm of sakuras route, heavens feel should be pretty gr8 as well. But lame, I would have thought sabre's route would actually be decent. I suppose that does make sense
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