Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule

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In the time I was here on FAKKU. A week late but yeah.

For this anniversary, an Overwatch Waifu power tier list. Blizzard made a wide variety of waifus for this game that even people that don't play it want a bite. Disclaimer, this isn't how viable they are. Don't get it twisted. Here goes:

God Tier
Thick Meganekko asian. Blizzard is spying on me.
>D Va
Gamer girl mecha pilot. What more can a man ask for?

High Tier
Blue woman with an ass2fat and a sexy af accent.
Doesn't have the badonkadonk Widow has (seriously, they made a controversy about a pose that's not even sexual) but I'd still hit it from the back with glee. Has a cheery adorable personality too.
Biased because I main her. Them leggings tho.
GILF that is all.

Mid Tier
Justice reigns fro-- augh
Chocolate lady with child bearing hips

Low Tier
That's right a fucking Gorilla is better than what's next.

Fucking Dropped Tier
Catch Cancer, bull dyke.

If you don't agree with this list, you're doing it wrong I will kindly disagree with your opinion.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Waifu tiers
Top Tier:
Healer mom
French Spider lady
Frozen Chubby chinese firefighter

You're okay tier:
Everyone else
Pls leave tier:
Gremlin D.Va

Top Tier:
Dad 76
High Tier:
High Mobility Green weeabo with a dragon donger

Okay Tier:
Hanzo who can't aim for shit
Audio medic
Australian pyrotechnic

Pls leave:
Edgelord Meister Reyes
Tracer is trash

fite me
Man, and I thought waifu emblem was something...
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Mei got them cheeks boi!
Gremlin is funny
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Someone doesn't seem to be a fan of taking it from stronk and hung Russian ladies. :y
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
artcellrox wrote...
Someone doesn't seem to be a fan of taking it from stronk and hung Russian ladies. :y

I think she's fine. Unique character.

Wished she had better alt-skins.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
Mei is not top tier.

Widow is.
Good Idea Cruz. Manfu Tier list:

>God Tier
Dad 76
Old man wearing badass armor

>Top Tier
Aussie Demoman
Cinna Mon; the Jet Set Radio Expy
Weeaboo Archer
Weeaboo Cybernetic Ninja

>Mid Tier
Kyon from Haruhi Suzumiya is a fucking gorilla
Svedish Midget Mechanic
Anal Bead chucking robot

>Shit Tier
WTF would you put Blitzcrank in a shooting game Roadhog
Robot who gets play of the game by camping
Le Edgy Meme Beaner
Waifus without Tier

Basically if Mystique and Lara Croft had a superhot lesbian baby.
Perfect mix of adorable and hot. And the controversy was great.
Oh sweet mother of.

Waifus with Tierage

Cute gamer chick. Little bit of sass. Asuka without the bitchiness.
Tan cougar.
Actually not, but I appreciate the bold decision to have such a character. Her playstyle is also a very refreshing take on traditional tanking.

Trail of Tiers


I really don't know why for these three. They've got all the right ingredients, but for some reason, they just- don't stand out to me. Symmetra especially; normally- I'd be all over that like dronestrikes on a city in the middle east- but she just comes across as, bland.

Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Forum Image:
Forum Image:
I like Mei the most because she gets the most armpit pictures.
Robot Buddha boy is my husbando

Hooker is fine don't hate

Australian Tweak is also great

Tracer is perfect

Every count of Dad 76 being god tier is correct

I will never ever be good at playing Cyborg Naruto, but fuck do I love him.

Sorry I'm cancer, I like CrawlingInMySkin the character too.
Have yet to play the game, looking forward to getting started.

Also D.Va/10
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
It's okay Zamor, I like using reaper because he's good at shredding tanks, but damn do I hate the actual character. Wished he was fleshed out more, his mentor-student relationship with McCree is never touched on, or his death/transformation.

Also for OP because I know he loves this character.
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