Hi I'm Whisline

I've used this site a lot for random perusings of the lewd kind but I never knew it had a forum and community attached to it. I've always loved forums so I decided to join this one. I'm not the type of girl to stick to one interest for long so all the different varieties of manga and such on the website are great. I don't know what else to add, so feel free to ask me any questions you have, and I'm glad to join the community ^-^
Hey, welcome here, have a nice time around!! ^_^
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
welcome to the forum.

pop by the cafe or the girls club
Well have fun and such! Welcome!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
What's crackin'. Welcome to the forums. Always good to see new faces.

I have a question for you: what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Gravity cat wrote...
What's crackin'. Welcome to the forums. Always good to see new faces.

I have a question for you: what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

In the end, it's concluded that the airspeed velocity of a (European) unladen swallow is about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second.

I had some help from my friend Google c:
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Welcome to the dying forums.

What kind of animes do you usually like, or music for that matter? Or are the interests for those things also drifty?
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Welcome to the dying forums.

What kind of animes do you usually like, or music for that matter? Or are the interests for those things also drifty?

I'd say they are drifty, yeah. I listen to all kinds of music (electro-swing, pop, rock, rap, etc.) and watch all kinds of anime (horror, drama, shounen, etc.). Right now I'm really interested in indie rock and drama anime. I've never liked heavy metal or slice of life. Slice of life is just too peaceful for me, I want suspense and all that.

Here's all the anime I watched and dropped

And here's my current favorite song, it's funk I think c:

Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.

Which SoL anime would you recommend?
Whisline wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.

Which SoL anime would you recommend?

I like Lucky Star a lot, it's easy to get bored during maybe the first episode, the rest of them are just hilarious. Love Konata.
fallenwing13 wrote...
Whisline wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.

Which SoL anime would you recommend?

I like Lucky Star a lot, it's easy to get bored during maybe the first episode, the rest of them are just hilarious. Love Konata.

Oh, I dropped Lucky Star like three years ago
Whisline wrote...
fallenwing13 wrote...
Whisline wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.

Which SoL anime would you recommend?

I like Lucky Star a lot, it's easy to get bored during maybe the first episode, the rest of them are just hilarious. Love Konata.

Oh, I dropped Lucky Star like three years ago

S***, haven't watched any other that I can think of...
Non Non Biyori was good. Boring as hell though if you need dat drama to keep things floating.
Der Kizer wrote...
Non Non Biyori was good. Boring as hell though if you need dat drama to keep things floating.

My friend is in love with that show so I watched some of it with my sister, but it wasn't our thing
Whisline wrote...
Der Kizer wrote...
Non Non Biyori was good. Boring as hell though if you need dat drama to keep things floating.

My friend is in love with that show so I watched some of it with my sister, but it wasn't our thing

My sister also thought it was boring, but for some reason adores Yuru Yuri and Hidamari Sketch...
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Whisline wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Damn, so many dropped shows, no kidding the drifty is real. While I admit SoL is usually peaceful, there are some shows that still make nice things out of it. Drama is definitely a nice thing to be into.

Which SoL anime would you recommend?

Not sure if I'd classify it as your typical slice of life, but there's a certain set of anime that kinda feels like slice of life but are meant to be more chill and calm.

Of these, I'd recommend Mushishi. It's one of my favourites ever in this kind of genre. Granted, Non Non Biyori is also like this, but given that you liked Higurashi, you might enjoy some of the spookier tales of Mushishi.
artcellrox wrote...

Not sure if I'd classify it as your typical slice of life, but there's a certain set of anime that kinda feels like slice of life but are meant to be more chill and calm.

Of these, I'd recommend Mushishi. It's one of my favourites ever in this kind of genre. Granted, Non Non Biyori is also like this, but given that you liked Higurashi, you might enjoy some of the spookier tales of Mushishi.

I've heard a lot about Mushishi, I'll check it out later today
Monster Girl
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