When do you have too many games?

A question I posed to myself five minutes ago, when I looked at my self of 80+(not kidding) games and my hand just hovered in mid air, my eyes darted back and forth across titles, and my mind could not form a consensus on which game I really wanted to play.

I have a pretty big backlog of games I have yet to beat, and there's a crap ton more coming out in the next few months. I just can't stand not being able to just make a damn decision when I finally get some time off from work. I just end up not doing anything because I can't pick from 80+ games!

Anyone else have this problem? Or even a solution? Doubt there is one, but please share your thoughts.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Every Steam player has this problem lol.

Forum Image: https://i.sli.mg/0iZsrF.png
hub0083 Carthago delenda est
I'm at the point where I refuse to pay $60 for a new game b/c of my backlog. Mind you it's only 30 games deep, but even on sale it's hard to justify picking up a new game when I know it'll just go onto the pile.

Guess my advice is spend a week at most casually playing a game and then move on. But don't pass up on games you can play w/ your friends, b/c it gets a lot harder to organize gaming sessions when everyone is on their own schedule.
NEXUS Since 2010
Unless a game has good replay value to warrant keeping it around, I usually play my video games like a Tenga. Pump it and dump it, or beat it and sell it. I've found even with dvd collecting that there is just too much crap collecting dust that I don't watch. Some of which I have only watched once and then shelved it. I guess the point I'm trying to make, is that I'm constantly looking out for new games that will bring me hours upon hours of entertainment.
When you start subscribing to Humble Bundle
I tell myself that I will play them one day and the pain goes away.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
When they've been unopened for 2 years or more after you bought them. ;w;
I keep telling myself that I would stop playing addictive games that are worth over 100 hours of my time. I.e Skyrim, God Eater, Fallout 4, MGSV, FFX/X-2 HD Remaster and Fallout NV and just move to other games I've bought during the Steam Summer and/or Winter sale that hasn't been touched in over a year. Yet, in the end, I find myself going back to it even if I wanted to show some love to the other games I bought.