America has just proven...

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Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Renovartio wrote...

Don't got that here sadly

Their Cajun friends are top tier.

They just load a bunch into a brown paper bag.
Cruz wrote...
Renovartio wrote...

Don't got that here sadly

Their Cajun friends are top tier.

They just load a bunch into a brown paper bag.

Cruz Dope Stone Lion
CronaBaka wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
>liberals preach love and peace
>literal riots

Those celebrities better keep their word and move out too. Granted it would actually hurt the entertainment sector but whatever.

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I know this thread is dead but I've been thinking about this a bit. I know I grilled you for using the quote but not only are you a major disappointment, you used the quote wrongly.

“Riots grow of intolerable conditions. Violent revolts are generated by revolting conditions and there is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people who feel they have no stake in it, who feel they have nothing to lose. To the young victims of the slums, this society has so limited the alternatives of his life that the expression of his manhood is reduced to the ability to defend himself physically. No wonder it appears logical to him to strike out, resorting to violence against oppression. That is the only way he thinks he gets recognition.”

“After the riot in Chicago that summer, I was greatly discouraged. But we had trained a group of about two thousand disciplined devotees of nonviolence who were willing to take blows without retaliating. We started out engaging in constitutional privileges, marching before real estate offices in all-white communities. And that nonviolent, disciplined, determined force created such a crisis in the city of Chicago that the city had to do something to change conditions. We didn’t have any Molotov cocktails, we didn’t have any bricks, we didn’t have any guns, we just had the power of our bodies and our souls. There was power there, and it was demonstrated once more.”

Hopefully with this in mind, you'll stop using it every time democrats/regressives throw a hissy fit.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Depends on what you mean

I think he's implying that if it was possible, this would be the moment when someone would come back and be like "Guys guys. No. Stop that."

Well assuming multiverse theory is a thing, maybe we're just the one timeline where the time flow is left unaffected by contact from the future and is doomed to fall to shit.
Gravity cat wrote...
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Depends on what you mean

I think he's implying that if it was possible, this would be the moment when someone would come back and be like "Guys guys. No. Stop that."

Well assuming multiverse theory is a thing, maybe we're just the one timeline where the time flow is left unaffected by contact from the future and is doomed to fall to shit.

Here one.
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bongzilla Your Weird Cousin
bongzilla wrote...
Meh, it'll all end up being a repeat of George W. Bush's presidency: Trump will probably get us involved in yet another decades-long war with Syria or something, is unable to make good on most of his campaign promises due to ideological differences between him and old-guard Republicans in congress, the stock market and USD continue to dwindle, and in two years there will be a total sea-change in mid-term congressional elections resulting in a Democratic majority. Hopefully, unlike W.'s two terms, we'll see Trump's already terrible low popularity continue to dwindle as his more moderate supporters become disillusioned, and we end up voting for Oprah Winfrey in the 2020 election.

Huh, I wasn't really sure that first part was going to happen, but 59 Tomahawk missiles probably just proved me right. Time will tell how accurate this prediction was, I suppose...

Oh, and it looks like his support base is already crumbling far faster than I expected as well:
NEXUS Since 2010
animefreak_usa wrote...
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Depends on what you mean

I think he's implying that if it was possible, this would be the moment when someone would come back and be like "Guys guys. No. Stop that."

That doesn't prove a damn thing. All that says that maybe the Earth doesn't survive long enough for time travel to happen. Viva president Trump nuke in Canada because Trudeau said something. Trump decides he hates Korean food and blows up North Korea.

You ever watch the old 'The Dead Zone' film. Yeah my name isn't Johnny Smith.

Our Prime Minister is an Ass! But nothing I can do about that.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Cruz wrote...
CronaBaka wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
>liberals preach love and peace
>literal riots

Those celebrities better keep their word and move out too. Granted it would actually hurt the entertainment sector but whatever.

Forum Image:

I know this thread is dead but I've been thinking about this a bit. I know I grilled you for using the quote but not only are you a major disappointment, you used the quote wrongly.

“Riots grow of intolerable conditions. Violent revolts are generated by revolting conditions and there is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people who feel they have no stake in it, who feel they have nothing to lose. To the young victims of the slums, this society has so limited the alternatives of his life that the expression of his manhood is reduced to the ability to defend himself physically. No wonder it appears logical to him to strike out, resorting to violence against oppression. That is the only way he thinks he gets recognition.”

“After the riot in Chicago that summer, I was greatly discouraged. But we had trained a group of about two thousand disciplined devotees of nonviolence who were willing to take blows without retaliating. We started out engaging in constitutional privileges, marching before real estate offices in all-white communities. And that nonviolent, disciplined, determined force created such a crisis in the city of Chicago that the city had to do something to change conditions. We didn’t have any Molotov cocktails, we didn’t have any bricks, we didn’t have any guns, we just had the power of our bodies and our souls. There was power there, and it was demonstrated once more.”

Hopefully with this in mind, you'll stop using it every time democrats/regressives throw a hissy fit.

TFW Baka probably neg repped me for correcting him and giving proper context to a MLK quote, a known non-violent activist.

Saving this post for prosperity.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Cruz wrote...

TFW Baka probably neg repped me for correcting him and giving proper context to a MLK quote, a known non-violent activist.

Saving this post for prosperity.

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Cruz Dope Stone Lion
CronaBaka wrote...
Cruz wrote...

TFW Baka probably neg repped me for correcting him and giving proper context to a MLK quote, a known non-violent activist.

Saving this post for prosperity.

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I sometimes turn on neg notifications and saw that.

Figured it was you. Doubt anyone actually agrees with you on that. But if it's not you, it's not you.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Cruz wrote...

I sometimes turn on neg notifications and saw that.

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Cruz Dope Stone Lion
CronaBaka wrote...
Cruz wrote...

I sometimes turn on neg notifications and saw that.

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Meant all notifications. Don't really think there's a way to only view neg or positive reps.

But yeah, feel free to retort or explain why you would shit on MLK's legacy like that if you can.
bongzilla wrote...

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Putin gonna poison you soon.
bongzilla Your Weird Cousin
animefreak_usa wrote...

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Putin gonna poison you soon.

S'okay, wasn't really using this life for much except eating, sleeping, and fapping anyway... getting offed by the leader of a foreign country would probably make for a more memorable obituary. Wonder how Putin will manage to off me... poison onahole-lube, maybe?

Maybe I should piss off Kim Jong Un too, watch the two of them compete for who will kill me first.
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Cruz wrote...
CronaBaka wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
>liberals preach love and peace
>literal riots

Those celebrities better keep their word and move out too. Granted it would actually hurt the entertainment sector but whatever.

Forum Image:

I know this thread is dead but I've been thinking about this a bit. I know I grilled you for using the quote but not only are you a major disappointment, you used the quote wrongly.

“Riots grow of intolerable conditions. Violent revolts are generated by revolting conditions and there is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people who feel they have no stake in it, who feel they have nothing to lose. To the young victims of the slums, this society has so limited the alternatives of his life that the expression of his manhood is reduced to the ability to defend himself physically. No wonder it appears logical to him to strike out, resorting to violence against oppression. That is the only way he thinks he gets recognition.”

“After the riot in Chicago that summer, I was greatly discouraged. But we had trained a group of about two thousand disciplined devotees of nonviolence who were willing to take blows without retaliating. We started out engaging in constitutional privileges, marching before real estate offices in all-white communities. And that nonviolent, disciplined, determined force created such a crisis in the city of Chicago that the city had to do something to change conditions. We didn’t have any Molotov cocktails, we didn’t have any bricks, we didn’t have any guns, we just had the power of our bodies and our souls. There was power there, and it was demonstrated once more.”

Hopefully with this in mind, you'll stop using it every time democrats/regressives throw a hissy fit.

Where can I find these nonviolent non responsive devotees? Can I rape them?
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