What would you think if FAKKU got a walk in store

What would your opinion be if FAKKU got a store

Total Votes : 26
Just imagine walking down the street and you see a huge bright red sign that says/shows FAKKU! and you walk in and see a life size Statue of the FAKKU mascot Momoka Forum Image: http://http://pre10.deviantart.net/c438/th/pre/f/2012/148/2/0/20fed6c7bf29e8ba7a4424d363820c25-d51egde.jpg greeting you by the entrance. And sections of the store are divided to games, books/hentai, and figurines. In my opinion that would be pretty cool.
Papa Nito Enemy Stand
I'd be down. But only if I could get the non-manga merch that sells out all the time in the stores. Don't have a desire for a store for the manga, since I prefer digital.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I can't see it ever happening as long as people are trying to find new ways to get offended or criminalise something for the dumbest reasons. If it was classed as a sex shop maybe the rules would be laxed a bit considering the nature of Fakku and its content, but even then I could see someone secretly filming "evidence of underage characters" in the books and try to get the shop done for child porn.

The world's not ready for it yet.
Maybe one day.

But yeah sounds cool.
I'd be down. Donate quite for it too.

It'd be nice to have a little hint of Akiba culture in the states.

Also wouldn't have to you know, order online every time. Sometimes it's better to see the physical material.