The first thing u do when u wake up

zang90 Insert title here
Sorry if this has been done alot. What do u usually do when u wake up? After I use the bathroom I usually take a shower and then get on my computer.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
have a shit, brush my teeth and either make breakfast or get ready for work
EddieBeInBeddie Tea, Coffee, Glances
Scream, or at least groan. My knee will be, if not dislocated, at least in pain.
bongzilla Your Weird Cousin
If I have to be at work, the first thing I usually do is go to the toilet before taking a shower and doing all the other usual things one does to get ready for the day.

If I don't have to be at work, the first thing I usually do is turn on my laptop and either check my email/Facebook or else pull up some porn and get in a good wake-up fap.
Gravity cat the adequately amused

If I'm working, I always set my alarm to go off 2 hours before I have to leave so I put it on Snooze and ease myself into consciousness before getting up, showering, getting clothes on and if I have time, eat food then leave.

If I'm not, I wake up. Then I switch my laptop on and I do bugger all else all day.
Depends on the day. Usually it's Pull out of her/piss/curse god you still live/puke. Sometimes its all four.
Sit up for a minute doing some stretches, get caffeine I. My system somehow that isn't coffee, sometimes make breakfast, and take care of bathroom stuff after breakfast
Go back to sleep if I can.
Find closest put things on go to work
I flop out of bed, and kinda do a zombie like walk to the bathroom, where I go, and brush my teeth, wash my face, then I go make a cup of green tea, and while that is brewing, I go outside and smoke half of a cigarette, I'm trying to quit, bust still need one first in the morning, then I play on my phone for a bit, check messages and facebook, tumblr, twitter, more. Then if it's not to cold I'll go out for a run.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
take my meds.
Turn on my PC, brush my teeth and wash my face, make breakfast, go on PC for a bit, then get ready for uni. That's it pretty much every day.
If I have work I usually assess how much time I have before I have to be there. Sometimes I have enough time to shit and brush my teeth. Sometimes I just go to work and shit on the bosses' time. If I don't have work I usually go back to sleep at least once. Then I stop sleeping and take a shit and get dressed if I am going out or go find something to do in my PJs if I have nothing good to do with my day.

I almost never eat breakfast. Unless, of course, it was prepared for me.
9/10 times it's walk my doge and go to work in less than 45 minutes. lucky if I use hair gel or brush my teeth
Kiss cat > stretch > brush teeth > jog > rinse body > make breakfast.
My morning routine consists of my wife waking me up. Taking a morning dump, saying hi to my daughter and heading to my other room to work from home.

Also jack off maybe once to get my head straight. Say bye to wife and begin the father daughter time of her trying to kill me.
I usually start off by reading hentai here, after I awake, just to help get me out of a drowsy state. Then I'll get in the shower, run errands if needed, eat some food, then get ready for work. After work, it's anything goes. Days off, I have no consistent schedule.