What did you learn today?

EddieBeInBeddie Tea, Coffee, Glances
I learned that corned beef is really ideal to add to beans and rice.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
4th December
You can buy EV braces at the Battle Royal Dome on Pokémon Sun and Moon. In those games they give 8 EVs per fight excluding any EVs you earn from your opponent in the stat they're dedicated to. Way better than the Macho Brace. But getting them is a bit of a grind. Since my strongest pokemon aren't level 50 and underlevelled Pokes don't get scaled up, only down, I get wiped on Normal rank so I don't even bother and intentionally lose with Explosion mons.

16 losses per brace.
I wish setup and the fights went a little quicker.

18th December
"I'm not being funny, but" is usually the start to where they're being funny about something.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that ohayougozaimasu doesn't necessarily mean "good morning". Its more of the english equivalent to "early". Which means, if you go to an event or club, then you could use it anytime you meet people there for the first time that day.
Don't drink milk without knowing how long it has been in your fridge.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • Since drinking whiskey, beer doesn't affect me as much.

  • Also a bunch of Attack on Titan-related lore. Shit really went down since I last picked up the manga.

  • You can play DS games on the 3DS. I plugged Black in and it even had my save file which I thought by this point was lost to time. Good ol' Karen #9482390284029484, you had the best butt.
Forum Image: http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee404/Gamesare4girls/DatAss.jpg
Learnt that i really shouldn't fap more than 5 times a day.
@e-L33T wrote...
Learnt that i really shouldn't fap more than 5 times a day.

Curious about why.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm learning how to make solar panels and battery banks. I can't install them in my apartment unfortunately, so plan B is to make a bunch of them and sell them on ebay. Once I make enough money, I'll buy some property and a couple 20' shipping containers then make a house. It'll probably look something like this:

Forum Image: http://i66.tinypic.com/242ybew.jpg
Gravity cat the adequately amused
fallenwing13 wrote...
@e-L33T wrote...
Learnt that i really shouldn't fap more than 5 times a day.

Curious about why.

Sore dick, libido temporarily plummeting from overstimulation, puffing out dust instead of jizz...

At least, that's what happens when I fap too much.
Gravity cat wrote...
fallenwing13 wrote...
@e-L33T wrote...
Learnt that i really shouldn't fap more than 5 times a day.

Curious about why.

Sore dick, libido temporarily plummeting from overstimulation, puffing out dust instead of jizz...

At least, that's what happens when I fap too much.

Lol, sounds right XD
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that Ben Stein made a documentary that defends intelligent design. I always assumed he was an atheist, so this came as a surprise.

Edit: I also learned that scientists discovered organic matter on the planet Ceres. It wasn't carried over by comets either, its origins lies underneath the planet itself. This is exciting news since it is now official that the building blocks of life are spread all across the universe and may have origins much earlier than recently thought.
FinalBoss wrote...
I learned that Ben Stein made a documentary that defends intelligent design. I always assumed he was an atheist, so this came as a surprise.

Edit: I also learned that scientists discovered organic matter on the planet Ceres. It wasn't carried over by comets either, its origins lies underneath the planet itself. This is exciting news since it is now official that the building blocks of life are spread all across the universe and may have origins much earlier than recently thought.

These must be the remainings of the corpses of so many space pirates and metroids... xD
That libtards and conservacucks are the same type of people who failed civics in high school.
The plant monster girls Cherry liked so much aren't actually called Alura Une as we once thought. That was a mistranslation in Castlevania SotN of the word "Alraune" which is apparently the German word for Mandrake, which is also a monster in some Castlevania titles that comes out the ground, screams, and basically explodes dealing a decent chunk of damage if your caught in its scream radius. Was a pretty good Bullet Soul (the red ones) in Dawn of Sorrow. It was basically a grenade of sound. Now I'm rambling.

It explains why finding fanart of just a sexy monster girl in a flower used to be somewhat hard for me.
I learned fish filets in the oven are horrible!
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned my dad has a friend named "Dogshit" (I couldn't make out the pronounciation at first because his Jamaican friends accents are so thick. So when my dad said his name, I was in shock.). Coincidently, my mom has a friend named "Monkey poo".
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
I finally learned how long a fortnight is. 2 weeks
nothing should be taken for granted
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned some species of ants among other groups of insects practice agriculture in which they grow fungus and algae. Here I thought the human species were special snowflakes.
First of all, I apologize as I have a tendency to ramble. This is in a spoiler tag because it's either shit nobody cares about, or background information, also it may be a little off topic. Feel free to skip all this.
A few weeks ago, after binge watching season 1 of The Boondocks, I suppose I had a sudden realization of my own mortality, or something like that, and I became aware of the passage of time, since I remembered having watched that show when I was a teenager. Even me posting here is sort of a throwback to the days when I just had left high school. Anyway, this led me to try new things and whatnot, and amidst all that, I researched a little bit of philosophy. Well, I suppose I haven't learned "today" in the strictest sense as it is past midnight, but I learned a bit about Nietzsche, suffering and overcoming nihilism as well as the concept of the ubermensch. Then, I discovered the broader topic of existentialism and while this school acknowledges the condition of life as absurd, it is generally optimistic, or rather, tries to find ways to reaffirm the value of living... or not, perhaps I misunderstood everything, who knows?

I learned that the collective effort of mankind is a beautiful thing and that, apparently, I enjoy instrumental hip hop. ^-^