[Valentines Contest Entry 2017] The Love Doctor

This will be the shortest contest entry of all time:

Once upon a time, there was a male patient and a female doctor. The doctor would keep telling the patient to take better care of their body. Though the patient agreed, they ignored their doctor's words and kept doing self-destructive things.

However, as if taking pity on the man, the woman doctor eventually tried to incentivise the man to stop this vicious cycle, and offered to give him sexy time if he held off on this behavior for a year.

Thus, he persevered. He waited patiently for an entire year, and then finally had sexy time with the doctor.

The End.

101 words, motherfuckers, and 151% beautiful. Just try to top me in less.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I will say this entry is better than mine and some others. Utterly beautiful, concise and to the point. I prefer a bad ending though. The patient didn't follow the advice of the doctor who so loved him. The patient died, donated his cadaver to science but not before the doctor had his sexy time (with the body of course)

PS: Message me and the resident lunatic for goodness sake!
sometimes i wonder if the man actually self-destructs to get the doctor's attention :D

well, he got all the booty in the end, bravo.