Sometimes the interwebs are great.

Fat sea cow gets mad two people are kissing.
She yells sexual harassment.
Guy makes jokes.
She scream for the police.
Couple stand there and she claims they're stalking her.

Awhile later people find out she a bieber stalker and she posts videos of her dancing naked and playing with her mashed cookie. Nude everywhere.

God the internet is sometime ok.

Google Anna Storelli nude or go to xhamster and search Anna Marie. I now completely gay. Also @Renovartio Just to be a dick.
Forum Image:

Also, already gay because I realized how toxic the vagoos r 2 society.
While I once hoped that people like these wouldn't breed, obviously they'll always find a way.

They always have.

Now it's an infestation.

We need a purge or two, I'd say.


That aside I'd laugh if someone actually advocated against killing people like these.

I am well aware how full of shit they'll be, unless they're the same kind of people and thus fear the purge themselves o 3o.

Don't worry though, I'll leave murder to angry mobs.

It's better that way.