Cat Users should get together and talk about cats

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I have 2 Cats, a Calico named Sushi, and a Tuxedo named Riceball.
I have one name miss kitty.
This is mesmerizing me.
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Gravity cat the adequately amused
I want another cat. Still reluctant to get another though, worried they will get run over as well.
Gravity cat wrote...
I want another cat. Still reluctant to get another though, worried they will get run over as well.

CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Our cat is a butt face. I hope he bites the dust before my pops has a heart attack.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Mine died last year.

But my sister got a rescue kitten. His name is Logan, he was an asshole but he outgrew that and is just a cuddley cat.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Gravity cat wrote...
I want another cat. Still reluctant to get another though, worried they will get run over as well.

I thought we weren't going to speak about that tragedy again ...
Waar FAKKU Moderator
had a cat named tybalt who just ran off, another named napoleon who we had to put down and now all i have left is a shit head named edward who probably has a bunch of shit thats wrong with him so his days are numbered.
I didn't expect so many fakku users to have kitties.

Sad ,of course, because I grew up with ghetto trash I've seen many animals die around me. I think 3 dog and 2 cats one unfound because I left it with uncle in his super bad ghetto place and the kitty got lost.

Also a lot of kids beat cats/animals and laugh about it in his area. Torture animals and call it "fun". Wish I knew beforehand. :))))))

I might as well become the fucking joker at this point in my life. I'd be fucking fabulous. *flips green hair* (Reading marvel recently lol nah joking about joker comment but yes I've seen things) :c
"Cat Users"...

People who use cats...

I prefer "cat lover".

Sounds less abusive.

Also, here's a pic of my pussy:

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Rescued her from being a stray abandoned by previous owners, she came with a 11 pound turtleshell mat of fur... weighed almost as much as the poor kitty herself. She's dead now, but she lived a few good years. Was 19 when I found her, died at 22. One ancient cat, and the most loving cat that ever was. Still have her collar in loving memory. Buried her in my parents' backyard, because I don't have anywhere to bury her at my apartment complex, and she is now becoming nutrients for a peach tree.

inb4 people miss that the beginning this post is satire.
Monster Girl
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