Granblue Fantasy

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Gambler wrote...
I made quite a number of friends from the forums on Granblue Fantasy.

It is somewhat addictive. I can't help but keep wishing for more ecchi female characters, preferably SSR or SR, to join my party. :D

I wish some of the dead users on this thread would come back
Forum Image:

Worth the grind
I'm finally playing this full time.
Still early game but I'm making my way up.
anyone need a crew?
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
How's the game from pure free player perspective? I badly need some mobile game to kill night shifts and Blizzard can go put their fucking greedy Heartstone up their asses.
Dashiell wrote...
How's the game from pure free player perspective? I badly need some mobile game to kill night shifts and Blizzard can go put their fucking greedy Heartstone up their asses.

If you got good luck, people will hate you.
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