Normal to dislike Bethesda games?

Seriously, I've tried. I've played Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4, but I cannot bring myself to enjoy any of these games. Everyone talked up Oblivion in high school and said it was a must-have game. Got it with the expansions, maybe put about 30-60 hours into, and I had to force myself to. It. Was. Boring. I found the story dull, the combat lame as hell, the menus were tedious, the world was WAY too big- I would walk into a dungeon on my way to a quest and get lost for hours and completely forget what the fuck I was doing. Fallout 3 was a similar situation, though I admittedly enjoyed it a little more than Oblivion, and actually managed to beat it, but felt no desire to go back into it again. Again, the story was subpar, the world was too big and there was way too much to do. Fallout 4, I borrowed from a friend to see if I wanted it. I borrowed it for a week and maybe played it three times before decided that was enough.

Am I not playing these games right? These games are widely considered to be among the best games ever made, yet they brought me little to no joy. I would listen to people talk about Skyrim and just roll my eyes in wonder at how anyone could enjoy these games. They're long, they're laborious, they all feel the same, yet people eat it up every time Bethesda pumps one of these out. I only ask because, I've told people my feelings on Fallout and Elder Scrolls and they look at me like I'm crazy.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
It's is perfectly normal, Bethesda's games are low effort, bugged, boring pieces of reused assets from Morrowind aimed at casuals with low quality barrier, on PC they lure people with modding but seriously if game needs 230 mods to be playable (including ~15 must have bug fixes mods) it's just bad game, on consoles with loading times, 30fps and bare modding(no external assets on psn HAHAHA...) it's just unplayable trash.

Their worlds are big but empty, there's nothing worth to explore all dungeons are the same, there's no treasures hidden in there thanks to scaling loot system (which is bad too).
AI is low effort stupid charge to death which leads to certain styles being completely overpowered.
Everything leads to overpowered crafting, world has nothing to offer that you wouldn't craft better.
As mentioned with AI, stealth is overpowered ultimate tactic.
Weapons are the same reskins of each other.
Magic is always underpowered.
Difficulty is just changing numbers to bullet sponges.
Story is just another hero tale excepting that you start as hero rather than 0 to hero which makes it worse.
Most side quests are auto generated fetch/kill tasks forcing you to go to the other end of map...
World is unconnected, no one has ever heard about you next village but everyone knows you're hero (duh).
Choices doesn't matter, you're hero anyway.
They always sell werewolves and vampires as dlcs...

I probably forgot many bad things but that's just how it is, unfortunately 3d RPGs are dying breed for AAA publishers so Bethesda is free to do whatever due to lack of competition, The Witcher alone can't fully compete to set new standards that would make casuals drop TES and "Fallout".
I actually bought the Witcher 3 last year for my birthday and played it for about a week before dropping it, but only due to my already extensive backlog of unbeaten games and the fact that the game itself takes well over a hundred hours to beat. That being said, that whole week I played it, I did enjoy what I played more than than the sixty hours I spent in Oblivion and can't wait to get back to it once I've beaten every other game on my backlog. I bout the Witcher 3 on a whim, without any knowledge of the previous games or the books, but the story that I did manage to experience was certainly intriguing and the gameplay, while a bit unfamiliar to me, felt like it was worth learning. Never got that with TES or Fallout. I mean I enjoyed Fallout 3 to an extent, but not enough to ever go back.

I think you're right. Bethesda has the market for this genre cornered and because they have such blind fans-seriously, Fallout 4 won best in show at E3 last year despite an impressive showing from Sony? Bethesda fans are starting become as annoying as Halo fans were back in the day, treating their games like untarnished gold when they're literally the same thing over and over. As such, they probably feel they don't have to work as hard.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Story is The Witcher's strongest side, especially moral issues and choices matter. Unfortunately only The Witcher 3 is truly open world game, first two are semi open where you go to location stay here for a while then move to next location without going back, also mechanical side is quite lacking like lack of jumping or TW2 feels like it would be better played on controller but inventory management with it is just hell.

I remember two months before F4 release how blind fanboys were posting all over internet how it's goty and will destroy TW3 that can't compete to greatness of Bethesda's games, then that flop medicore FPS released and TW3 still won majority of awards that year. xD

Since TES5 was so complicated mechanically TES6 will aim to get more casual audience from mobiles. kek
I would say it's normal to dislike it if you are used to things having more meaningful content. But i enjoyed Oblivion and Skyrim (mostly because i made my own story and ignored the main quest)