The most fulfilling thing you did today was...?

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Got my bank account balance out of the red.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
19th May
Woke up with 4 hours sleep and didn't fall back to sleep.


22nd May
Finally cleaned up my laptop desktop. I save a lot of random images and it got pretty cluttered. What I didn't delete went into a folder to back up later, which probably won't happen for another few months.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
This is something I've been doing since last year. My father's friend had a stroke, doctors said he wouldn't make a full recovery. However, ever since the incident, he's been able to walk and talk normally. The only problem is that he can't do certain things like memorize contacts in his cell phone or count money. Whenever he comes by the store, I take the time out to help him improve his memory. Nothing too extravagant, just little things like going over simple accounting problems and refreshing his memory in regards to the contacts in his phone.

I'm happy to say that he is greatly improving over the past couple months. There were times I felt frustrated because he didn't seem like he was picking up on some of the material, but it all seems to be paying off. Today, he gave me a heartfelt thanks after one of our sessions. He told me everyone around him (including my dad) gave up on helping him. This made me resolved to keep on doing it.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
This is actually in the future as I probably won't be able to post for the next couple of days, but I'm going to MCM Comic-con. Also found out a YouTuber I've been following who lives in the states is flying down to attend.
I was able to bike up the last hill on my way home in 8 minutes instead of the 20 minutes i used back in march.
Butterflied a pork loin and grilled it with some split leeks for my family's dinner.

Fun tip for anyone who cooks; pork loin is like a poor man's rib.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Finally moved out of that suffocating apartment that I was living with my mom in. Uhaul was more expensive than I thought, but it was well worth it.
FinalBoss wrote...
Finally moved out of that suffocating apartment that I was living with my mom in. Uhaul was more expensive than I thought, but it was well worth it.

congratulations, i remember how it felt when i moved out last year.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Got into a discussion with my dad about Jeremy Corbyn following this whole election fallout. He's a Tory voter and is under the impression Corbyn's a socialist. Asked him if he even knew what a socialist was and didn't seem to know. Managed to relay some facts to him, not that he listened. Told him he really shouldn't just lap up whatever The Sun tells him to believe.
Gravity cat wrote...
Got into a discussion with my dad about Jeremy Corbyn following this whole election fallout. He's a Tory voter and is under the impression Corbyn's a socialist. Asked him if he even knew what a socialist was and didn't seem to know. Managed to relay some facts to him, not that he listened. Told him he really shouldn't just lap up whatever The Sun tells him to believe.

Would be interested to know what the eventual outcome of that was. My parents didn't vote as far as I know, but they have really strong opinions against Corbyn for reasons they can't seem to articulate. Labour and there policies are the reason I voted, not Corbyn, though he seems like he wants the best for the country.

As for my fulfilling thing, unlocked Obi-Wan on Galaxy Of Heroes I guess... Been a pretty slow day -_-
Gravity cat the adequately amused
14th June
Trying to get GTA:SA to work on my laptop, apparently Windows 10 doesn't like it. Kept telling me DirectX9 was required. Did manage to get it to work eventually, had to enable Legacy Components and DirectPlay.

Now my next task is to try and find out why the mouse is invisible when opening UI boxes and how to fix it when playing this server I use on SA:MP. I shouldn't have to rely on the "Press CTRL to show a circle around the mouse" feature to navigate UI.

Edit: Had a Steam copy and modded that. Everything looks and works fine now. I guess my old copy was missing some files or was slightly corrupted.

15th June
Went to my dental appointment for phase 1 of getting a crown for my broken tooth. Phase 2 is on the 25th.

Got a big ol' silver thing. I feel like a pirate. Face was numb for ages and I made the mistake of biting off skin on the inside of my lip because now it's kinda sore.