Remove Commenting Depth

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What do you do when you can't reply to a comment under a story?

Total Votes : 12
Smuggins Just Some Guy
I gave commenting depth of 3 a shot, I tried to make it work, but too often I feel it stifles conversations.

If that is the intent, then it is working! Again, today, I received a reply to a comment and wanted to continue the conversation, but when I tried, my comment ended up up a non-sensical place in the comments (out of order).

If the issue is a UI issue (i.e. the display of the comments), please find a way to address that without removing the reply button. The reply button makes sure that my comment is attached to the correct comment and it notifies the original commenter that there is something to read/respond to.

Fakku simply has too much content for me to scroll through past stories to see if I have a comment I hadn't read. When the comment depth reaches 3, I have to either comment on my own comment and hope it shows up the logical place, or simply drop the conversation thread.

Again, if that is the intent, I think Fakku is missing out on a chance to grow the community via the comments.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
If your problem is the lack of depth, why would you ask to remove it at all?

As for the comments, I've always seen LiveJournal's threaded comments as the best system of its kind, and something like its current version where in the case of a high number of comments in a thread some of them have their contents hidden and can be revealed with a click (either just the comment or the whole thread) would certainly work here as well.
I don't think there's a good solution for this. Comment sections are a poor platform for any deep discussions (see YouTube). They're great for a quick digest and honestly I'm starting to think that's ideal. A large/deep comment chain makes the entire pile of comments more difficult to follow. Opinions will quickly get buried and I think that's not a good result if artists want to check out what we had to say.

This is a bit weird but I think if you guys want some really good discussion, I think it should happen on here or even on reddit. Every chapter that goes up here has a corresponding reddit post (excluding controversial I think), but not many people visit that sub pretty much ever. But I think that platform is superior for that type of discussion. I'd also like to see discussion taken here as it would breathe some life into the forums but it's awkward to have users go elsewhere. But the problem with forum discussions is that they're not great for branching. You get nested quote chains and it's still easy for someone's post to get buried.

I had an idea to transform the comments section into a facade for a corresponding forum topic that would be generated for every chapter but that suggestion has a lot of issues too (while also being a lot of effort to implement). Anyway no matter what I think there really isn't a good solution for this.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
luinthoron wrote...
If your problem is the lack of depth, why would you ask to remove it at all?

Because my post was not well thought out :) I meant to ask to remove the commenting depth limitation, in other words, allow commenting to go as deep as possible.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Comment sections are a poor platform for any deep discussions (see YouTube). They're great for a quick digest and honestly I'm starting to think that's ideal. A large/deep comment chain makes the entire pile of comments more difficult to follow.

I appreciate the response! I do feel that the reply limit is stifling banter, light hearted back and forths. I think a character limit will do more to keep that spirit (similar to twitter) than the curret model. To give a concrete example:

See the last comments. I had a question, someone answered, I can't even reply with a thanks or some other banter about finding an obscure H. To me, that is stifling.

I think simply having it indent for the first one or two comments is what makes them readable. The only other thing really missing is a collapsing feature (per luinthoron). If a comment chain bores you, you minimize it. But the reply limit doesn't stop deep chains. If I dig I can find one with a chain 15 comments deep. But the comments are out of order and don't make a ton of sense (but it is puns, so none needed really).

To put another way, if you want to stop deep chains, limiting reply depth doesn't do it. It just creates mess of comments. You would need to limit the total replies in a given chain (which is horrible, but just saying).

ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Opinions will quickly get buried and I think that's not a good result if artists want to check out what we had to say.

That is an interesting point, but I have to ask: Are the comments there for the users to socialize or the artists to get feedback? You need to pick which is driving the feature, otherwise you'll have mixed results. If comments are for artists, then 40-60% of comments on a given story are 'off topic' (puns, notes on missing tags, etc.).

If the comments are for the artists, more than 90% of my comments are irrelevant. Which means that I don't see Fakku as a community, so I am less invested in it. If that is the intent, that is fine, but it certainly alters how I pervieve Fakku and my desire to keep it going.

Marketing strategies talk about creating a community, because that will increase your user loyalty and engagement. I think that is a good thing for Fakku, but I am just a user, not a policy maker. My suggestions are all in line with Fakku as a community. eBags has a community and they just sell luggage. I would even go so far as to say that the Internet is really about connecting humanity (as well as a knowledge repository).

ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
This is a bit weird but I think if you guys want some really good discussion, I think it should happen on here or even on reddit. Every chapter that goes up here has a corresponding reddit post (excluding controversial I think), but not many people visit that sub pretty much ever. But I think that platform is superior for that type of discussion. I'd also like to see discussion taken here as it would breathe some life into the forums but it's awkward to have users go elsewhere. But the problem with forum discussions is that they're not great for branching. You get nested quote chains and it's still easy for someone's post to get buried.

I will never be commenting on reddit. I want to keep my opions and thoughts on Fakku, and have no interest in randoms commenting or trolling us there. I think it makes sense to link to the forums from a chapter, so people have an easy access to it. I admit, I am not going to go out of my way to the forums, after reading something, just to post something. But if there was some connectivity between the forums and stories, I would totally do that. Even just a link that says 'goto the forums, there are X posts regarding this story' is something.

ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
I had an idea to transform the comments section into a facade for a corresponding forum topic that would be generated for every chapter but that suggestion has a lot of issues too (while also being a lot of effort to implement). Anyway no matter what I think there really isn't a good solution for this.

I actually like this approach quite a bit, as it is reusing the forums and you are re-inventing the wheel for comments. However, that feels to be a heavier approach. I like the ability to 'reply' and not just have to quote. Quoting feels like a serious discussion, not banter friendly.

I comment on many stories. I do not have the time to backtrack and so depend on the fact that a 'reply' to my comment will show up in the notifications. The notifications drive alot of my Fakku interactions, as I look to see who replied to my comment.

I want to re-iterate, I think Fakku has a good site. And I enjoy the commenting alot. I just get frustrated by the user experience of the site. Your milage may vary, but I want to stay on the Fakku website when commenting, interacting with Fakku community. I think comments and forums both have good seperate functions (brief vs deep), but the forums aren't integrated into the stories and that limits their visibility for that.
I feel like the facebook layout works fine for the thing. being able to comment on the main thing, then reply to comments, and you tag people to reply directly to them in that reply area, but otherwise it just replies to that comment. Though, then you would need to get notifications for every reply, which isn't a bad thing, just need a way to turn them off and on
Daiz FAKKU Developer
This is my personal opinion, but for all the reasons described above (and more) I'm just not a fan of threaded comments at all. I think flat comments with good quote capabilities work out much better - you'll always know where to find new comments, and when done well they can even enable on-demand threading!
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Drifter995 wrote...
...and you tag people to reply directly to them in that reply area...

I don't mind doing it, but it seems clunky, since a reply to someone's comment, would be a reply to them, so to explicity state which comment it is a reply to...

I have had issues getting tagging to work in comments, especially if you edit the comment after the initial post, the stuff gets re-encoded weird.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Daiz wrote...
This is my personal opinion, but for all the reasons described above (and more) I'm just not a fan of threaded comments at all. I think flat comments with good quote capabilities work out much better - you'll always know where to find new comments, and when done well they can even enable on-demand threading!

That is cool, I admit, it is my personal preference that I am advocating. Maybe becuase I am a developer, I like the association of comments to their replies, like a linked list :)

Like in this thread, if Chris or someone responds to my post, I feel like it will be pretty bloated (because I typed so freaking much), so Chris would have to snip that away to make a shortened reply. At which point, the post won't really stand on it's own. People would have to go back further in the thread to find the original post. In a small thread like this, not a big deal, but some of Jacob's announcements get 99+ pages of posts. There is no way to quickly scan through that. So I just also glom onto the end of the thread.

But I see your guy's points, coming back to that without notifications, and the new stuff is all over the place. But I guess that would only matter if you were following all discussions in a thread?
Monster Girl
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