Friends, Fakkuians, Countrymen... lend me your ears.

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Waar FAKKU Moderator
Let's talk about some shit; what's been on our minds recently. I've been getting away from my love of anime and eroge, while still maintaining a healthy love of manga. Aside from reading almost every night my days are consumed with playing games and I'm about to start nioh. I don't dislike Japanese games more it just feels like it's been a while since anything really good has come out. I am concerned that I'm losing touch with this community. I saw that the Rance(up to 8 I think?) series is getting a legit translation soon, hopefully that can reinvigorate my love.

What are you all doing?
Dying slowly from the chemicals that kills the fuck ton of white blood cells my body makes. Plus blend-s.
I've been away for a while myself. I left Fakku discord for the second time months ago and the forums I've abandoned as well. However, Discord and Twitter have been what I've been frequenting as of lately. I still play league unfortunately and my love for anime is on life support.

I dropped Blend S because I'm not a cuck I don't like getting my dick stepped on and none of the jokes were funny, Girls Last Tour is cool though, I plan on checking out more...maybe. Since anime is damn near deader than Freak, I've been watching more Western Animation and trying to catch up on series I've missed out on. Rick and Morty is going strong despite the fanbase fiasco, I'm watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra and Danny Phantom are on the list too. I'm not too keen on Live Action but I wanna try more of it. Thanks to A-team, I've gotten into GoT after reluctance because I've been hearing the same shit (Oh it's good, it has violence and sex scenes, etc). What to tackle on Live Action next? Who knows.

What I'm looking forward to overall is Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, a couple meet ups before this year is over, holidays with family, and finally building a newer PC then playing Nier: Automata. I've told myself before I got any current gen console, I was gonna build a PC.

IRL shit, I moved away from my Grandmother I've been living with for years assisting her with bills because we got into a spat. I changed vehicles since my last one died. Still working at the same place.

TL;DR pylon construction. I should've posted this in the 'where are they now' thread...fuck it.
I've tried my hardest to still keep up-to-date with the latest anime and manga trends, however my free time is getting shorter and shorter (I'm being a responsible adult for once). As such I've stopped watching anime tv series as frequently and started focusing on movies and manga. Right now I'm waiting for the two Yuusa movies to come out and the manga series I'm currently reading are Dr. Slump, Slam Dunk and Me and the Devil Blues. All three of them are very fun and interesting to read.

Apart from that I've started exercising daily and improving my culinary skills. Overall I feel a lot more happier in my life and my busy weekdays are making my self-indulgent weekends all the more satisfying.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
Yeah I get the feeling everyone's growing up... Well it had to happen sooner or later. Sorry about the meds freaky.
Graduated university earlier this year. Still a fucking weeb but less so now as university really took up a lot of my time so I couldn't watch anime or read manga that much. Playing more games now. Working from the UK at a top dog Japanese company doing translation. I've been with them for over 2 years now. It's kind of part time though. Currently applying for a second translation job. Praying for the day Jacob messages me back for consideration, I really want a translation job with FAKKU. Looking to branch out my skills into the anime/manga side of things.

also I fucking miss you guys

Edit: I'm also working on a few writing projects, mostly short stories. I've gotten into world building and that kind of thing.
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
Still getting that dose of Animu every now and then but still mostly into games like JRPGS.

I do miss the days this forum board was more active even though I was a lurker mostly, used to read threads daily and comment on them with my buddies on skype(lol) so that's some feelsbadman.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
To an extent still a bit of a weeb, but other interests and real life often take hold.

*Went to Comic Con a few weeks ago and bought the first 8 volumes of My Hero Academia. Now I need to buy the rest :V Made a girl laugh because I pointed out a Mikasa cosplay and said "Mikasa, su casa".
*Store I worked at got closed down so I got transferred to another. Having to try and integrate into my new team.
*Mostly focusing on games, waiting on Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
*Regularly keeping up with the Pokémon Sun and Moon and Dragon Ball Super animes
*Plus daily responsibilities of maintaining the Slime Rancher wiki. Basically overhauled the whole thing, sometimes with help. So I'm now an admin of it. I'm most proud of this page, myself.

I'm in the Fakku discord though I don't talk much, mostly nab lewds from #nsfw-images. But I'm on Discord all the time. It's far better than Skype.
I've started collecting combat helmets from around the world. The shit can get expensive for some types.
Mostly reading manga and going to cons in terms of weebery. Occasionally I'll watch a seasonal anime if it catches my interest, though I try to watch older stuff if I'm in the mood to. I play games too but my attention span seems to be short. Like others, my weeks are busy with full time job and other activities, so my weekends are when I tend to just be a lazy piece of shit or spend time with friends. Time goes by too fast lol.
Working and trying to find time to enjoy my hobbies
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Yeah, I've gone the route of primarily reading manga instead of watching anime years ago and I'm much happier for it.

I've been reading a shit ton of Isekai manga since it seems to be the genre consuming everything (anime, LN's, manga, etc. etc.)
Been playing some video games like the new Mario game, Cuphead, Wolfenstein, etc. etc. but also old stuff like OW, pokeymanz and other old stuff only an autist like myself could go back and play a thousand times.

Not much to say about my personal life. Still working on finishing Uni, still scrapping ideas or only doing them halfway through. Still a jerk.

I miss the old forum days full of debauchery and banter but I guess the discord is a soft alternative to that.

Forum Image:
I've been slowly watching freaky transition into a spooky ghost.

But nah, I've been somewhat the same. Just moved states from my smol island to the west coast of aus. Haven't really watched anime properly in a long time. Been kinda on and off watching fate/ apocrypha, but keep not getting back into it until ages later.

Have been playing some games on and off, and reading manga here and there.
I wouldn't say I'm growing up, just cause I'm working a lot now, I just lack motivation and end up sitting on facebook doing nothing all day
Working, doing nothing. I'm only reading the weekly One Piece chapters and probably watch an episode or two of anime every week. That's it. Games, not much there either.
Mostly watching anime. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. I don't read as much manga as I used to.
Finally got a job as a DEA agent.
Me and my ex broke up a 2 months ago, so I'm now single and alone.
Been to ComicCon and going to NYC AnimeCon this Friday.
I tend to check this site out every 3-6 months.
I'm still a massive weeb and buying even more weeb merch ever since I got a job working at Apple. Haven't been watching much anime recently but I'm hooked on the Fate series again. I'm even playing the mobage Fate Grand Order.
started playing Eve. Been reading light novels/ web novels/ manga. Anime very seldom.

Oh and my house is getting bought so I have to find a new place to live. Hawaii apartments are expensive as fuck.
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...

I dropped Blend S because I'm not a cuck I don't like getting my dick stepped on and none of the jokes were funny

also some one made a staffmod on a site.
I got expelled from college. Now I sail boats. I might go back to school for boat building soon since I'm pretty much locked into this life. I have a ton of eroge in my backlog and no time to play them. This is the first time I've logged in in like 2 years. I wanted to see what was popping.

Formally: Cormac.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Still a single weeb working at Arby's. My life isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
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