Exporting favorites?

Hi. Used to use this site back when it hosted unofficial scanlations. I stopped when the ads became super annoying. But I'm trying to find a series I know I saved on Fakku before they switched to this whole paid model.

Looking through google, it says I just need to export my favorites list. Problem: that option doesn't appear anywhere on mobile nor on desktop mode. And my favorites is completely blank. The only answer I've found was pretty much "should've saved your shit" but I haven't logged into this site for like 3 or so years so no warning for me.

Am I boned (haha, get it?) or is there a way I can recover my favorites list?
Sorry but you are real late for this. There was an export tool as you mentioned and it was left up for some time after scans were pulled but it's been years. There's some slim chance that your data still exists somewhere and it can be recovered but I wouldn't put my money on it. If you know anything about the manga you're looking for then someone might be able to help you find it (that said, this isn't the best place to get help with finding scans).
Figured. Well, that makes me even less likely to want to purchase a subscription this site. But it's whatever.
r3z wrote...
Figured. Well, that makes me even less likely to want to purchase a subscription this site. But it's whatever.

Uhhhhh, what
Drifter995 wrote...
r3z wrote...
Figured. Well, that makes me even less likely to want to purchase a subscription this site. But it's whatever.

Uhhhhh, what

Don’t you get it op says that the only thing that makes a good subscription model is whether or not there is an option to export a text only list of old illegally uploaded censored hentai chapters.