Turning things into anime girls

Gravity cat the adequately amused
Moe anthropomorphism been going on for a while but now it's a meme thanks to Earth-chan and her flatness.

Here's the latest addition to the "list of things you really shouldn't want to fuck":

Forum Image: https://t00.deviantart.net/uHwv5HswO52UJLIJGxqCXmXic3Q=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/90f6/th/pre/i/2018/002/7/0/clorox_chan_by_kumaartsuu-dbyoykj.png

Not even the goddamn Tide Pods are safe.
Forum Image: https://i.redd.it/dcudk2iutn701.jpg
I know the artist of the first one. Chick from the uk. Love her art
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Drifter995 wrote...
I know the artist of the first one. Chick from the uk. Love her art

Tide Pod-chan reminds me of the dumbass that is Chocola. It's the kitty mouth, the arms up and just general art style.

Forum Image: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/chocola.jpg
Gravity cat wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
I know the artist of the first one. Chick from the uk. Love her art

Tide Pod-chan reminds me of the dumbass that is Chocola. It's the kitty mouth, the arms up and just general art style.

Forum Image: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/chocola.jpg

Not wrong there. Very similar feel
There's a lot of them.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Drifter995 wrote...
I know the artist of the first one. Chick from the uk. Love her art

Also sauce on the artist? I'm a dumbass and forgot to ask. :V

623 wrote...
There's a lot of them.

I shouldn't be surprised yet always am
Gravity cat wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
I know the artist of the first one. Chick from the uk. Love her art

Also sauce on the artist? I'm a dumbass and forgot to ask. :V

623 wrote...
There's a lot of them.

I shouldn't be surprised yet always am


She and her partner had been selling stickers for a while. Think they ended up stopping doing it fully now though, as the market for it has kinda died off
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
It's a dead meme.

Ebola-chan died not to long after it's creation too. After meme artist and lazy cosplayers get their hands on a meme, it's pretty much dead. Thankfully console-chans are still semi-obscure enough not be run to the ground yet.
Cruz wrote...
Thankfully console-chans are still semi-obscure enough not be run to the ground yet.

How about OS-chans? I remember a long time ago reading a Miku doujin by Behind Moon that had ME-chan and XP-chan.
Cruz wrote...
It's a dead meme.

Ebola-chan died not to long after it's creation too. After meme artist and lazy cosplayers get their hands on a meme, it's pretty much dead. Thankfully console-chans are still semi-obscure enough not be run to the ground yet.

They were run into the ground like 5 years ago.
That and the nep series is also doing their own meme of it
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Cruz wrote...
It's a dead meme.

Ebola-chan died not to long after it's creation too. After meme artist and lazy cosplayers get their hands on a meme, it's pretty much dead. Thankfully console-chans are still semi-obscure enough not be run to the ground yet.

It helps that they keep pumping out games and the girls themselves are likeable and each caters to people's general fetishes. Neptune herself is just a walking meme

Just realized I talk to almost everyone relying to this thread in Discord
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Gravity cat wrote...
Cruz wrote...
It's a dead meme.

Ebola-chan died not to long after it's creation too. After meme artist and lazy cosplayers get their hands on a meme, it's pretty much dead. Thankfully console-chans are still semi-obscure enough not be run to the ground yet.

It helps that they keep pumping out games and the girls themselves are likeable and each caters to people's general fetishes. Neptune herself is just a walking meme

I don't consider those bad games to be in the console-tan territory.