Hi again, I want to apologize

After unknowingly battling with schizophrenia and a pathological lying disorder for most of my life, I finally managed to get help a couple of years ago and have since regained control. I know I spent a lot of time here but a lot of that isn't even recognizable to me, so I will just say I am incredibly sorry if my actions or words ever hurt any of you.

I don't remember having any shitfights with you personally. Unless you went by a different name at some stage
I used to go by Pyre, but that was years ago, I'm just making rounds in all of the communities I was a part of and apologizing for my actions because I know I did some fucked up things according to a few of the friends I still have. I feel it's the right thing to do.

I'm not even sure when I changed my username. Most of my memory is fucked from 3+ years ago, if it hadn't been saved in my browser I probably wouldn't have even been able to log in to this account. I do remember a lot of usernames as I browse over this site and talking with a bunch of people here through skype at some points and conversations I had with waar/paul specifically but not a lot else.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I don't remember you doing anything particularly bad or dickish, Pyre.
Cruz wrote...
I don't remember you doing anything particularly bad or dickish, Pyre.

Neither. Probably did what the rest of us in here did, and probably argued things for memes. Can't remember you/him being a major dick
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
I mean, we were all little pricks at some point in our lives.

But it is fortunate that you got helped and are doing better. It's always good when you seek the help you need.

Here, have a picture.

Forum Image: https://image.ibb.co/cUMp5H/g011.jpg
I know Waar used to warn everyone not to trust you because of your lying. I can't attest to what you lied about when you were talking to me personally but I do know that they were fun conversations and I'm thankful for those. Glad you're getting help and feeling better though.

By chance, are you the same guy that goes by Pyre on twitch?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I vaguely remember the name.

What matters is you got help for past shitty behaviour and are now past it. That's all you can really ask of a person.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm diagnosed with Schitzoaffective disorder. Minus the pathological lying, I had a lot of issues going on with me in the past. I'm glad to see you're getting on track with your life. Mental disorders can be a bitch to deal with, and if not properly treated, it can only get worse overtime. Good luck, and I do remember you hanging around the forums. At least I recall your old username.
I don't think we interacted, but I recognize the username(s). I also don't think I recall observing anything particularly dickish, but, in any case, good to hear you got the help you needed.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
I'm glad to see you return for the time being, Pyre. If only to send your warm wishes to Waar's departure.

I remember us turning poor first impressions into intense philosophical discussions years ago, and I was grateful for that.

I occasionally would think about those conversations as the years went on and wonder about how you were doing. I'm glad to see that you have regained control and I hope that therapy and introspection have been helpful to you on your path towards clairvoyance. I wish you much luck and success on this newfound path.

Be well and take care.
