Help for find title of chapter (Info inside)

polwath Who cares?
I remember scenerio as I can tell: the chapter has 2 character one is Ojyousama (Milady) and another one is either butler or waiter with glasses. With first page he serving coffee or tea to her as master and waiter. (As I remember for many years ago and also available in Fakku! too if not mistake.)

And the ending I can tell is like she blushed and anger at MC for everyone I the house know their relationship and their secret.

I tried to find in any old magazine but still not found. If anyone know the title of this chapter, please tell me about it.

Thank you.

(Move from serious discussion due to wrong posting catagory.)
polwath Who cares?
I still waiting the answer.
polwath Who cares?
update :/