Many works missing femdom tag, or proposing a broader name

Hey there,

First time poster, long time reader. One thing that's frustrated me a bit over the years, is that many of the tags aren't very accurate, and some "less popular" areas, like femdom, often get completely left out in works that can be described as such.

For example, a recent piece with the kink in the title. Perhaps the tagging system should be revised, for instance, sourcing it to community voting/tagging, along with editor/moderator control. Perhaps community tags only affect the piece after that tag reached a certain threshold?

Alternatively, there are times when I could see it hard to call something as "femdom," so maybe we should just give those works an umbrella name of Role Reversal?
Err... Actually the example you provided contains no femdom whatsoever, therefore it doesn't get the femdom tag.
Okay, maybe it was a bad example... It it kinda had some female-led action. Hell, maybe that's what I'm asking for - female taking the lead or something. Is there a tag for that other than femdom that I don't know of?

Maybe better examples would be Secret Girlfriend, Special, and Used Book Store. These tend to fall under "gentle" or "light" femdom, or Role Reversal, when the lady is taking charge or initiating, and I feel there's no way to find that kind of kink right now. That is, between vanilla/male-led and traditional femdom.
So, an assertive girl? That concept warrants a tag? The definition of that from person to person is pretty vague. I can already see the comments: "I dunno, I don't think she was that assertive." "I think this is more femdom than assertive girl."
623 wrote...
So, an assertive girl? That concept warrants a tag? The definition of that from person to person is pretty vague. I can already see the comments: "I dunno, I don't think she was that assertive." "I think this is more femdom than assertive girl."

More the tag would cover half the library.
Monster Girl
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