Fuck it im moving to canada.

Gravity cat the adequately amused
"Three states will get us better infrastructure, better education and lower taxes," Mr Draper told the Los Angeles Times last summer, after submitting the proposal.

Bold claims.

On the whole splitting it into smaller chunks would theoretically make each state accountable for their own and be more manageable. But on the other hand, a bit of a gamble. Bit concerned that a man with too much money is spearheading this campaign. So if all go tits-up he won't feel the crunch, the regular folk will.

But what do I know, I don't even live in the States.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
That made my day, thanks Freaky.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
1 state for the rich
1 for the middle class
1 for working class
Not even man. More to do with whiny special snowflakes on both side of the political front then actual economics. More poor, poorer and oh fuck are we in a third world nation right now or Mississippi?
Honestly would be better imo. Lessen Commiefornia's impact on the electoral college.
Doctor Ding wrote...
Honestly would be better imo. Lessen Commiefornia's impact on the electoral college.

That doesn't make any sense then. You literally made more electoral reps since two new states make 4 more liberals senators. No new reps. Doesn't matter how many new states if it doesn't change who people vote for. At least the retarded two state actually cut the majority liberal areas into it own state. This one still leaves a liberal majority in all three.
Damn. I thought i could get @Cruz to entertain me.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
animefreak_usa wrote...
Damn. I thought i could get @Cruz to entertain me.

I know you literally have one foot in the grave but it's easy to forget to come back here often. Get on discord, Uncle.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Doctor Ding wrote...
Honestly would be better imo. Lessen Commiefornia's impact on the electoral college.

That doesn't make any sense then. You literally made more electoral reps since two new states make 4 more liberals senators. No new reps. Doesn't matter how many new states if it doesn't change who people vote for. At least the retarded two state actually cut the majority liberal areas into it own state. This one still leaves a liberal majority in all three.

I just looked at the proposed borders for the three states, and holy fuck is that retarded. You're right on that issue. I thought it'd be like thirds from North to South, but nope. Yeah, it's actually more retarded and is a move for Commies in three states to band together for more power in the Senate. Fuck that.