As a Grill

I don't support the 'empower' women thing. It seems like the people forcing this with movies, games, and media makes it worse because of how things were before and how they're shoving this down peoples throats now...
Also there has been a few people using the "being on the right side of history" defense. What history? Women already have equal rights in today's society, but this SJW stuff pretty much makes things worse by feeling as if women need to be treated special and stuff. I'm a tired Hatsun who gets paid well enough to support herself. If I worked hard enough rather than rambling everyday to feel like I'm "making a difference" I can get a better job than most guys I know. =3=
True some guys can be bias, and some places take advantage of women based on appearance. But that's the point? Most men think with their dicks, we can't control primitive instincts...

I am complaining after seeing a trailer for something with a'Strong, female, character' I was like "Wow.... I mean sure? Not sure why this girl needs to be the center of attention"
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If anything, it seems to be corporations pandering to the masses to make easy sales. FANDOM is one of the companies that does this and I see suggested pages talking about things of that nature all the time, and I get a bit tired of it.

Forum Image:

I don't give a flying fuck about people's sexuality, gender, or skin colour in fiction and making political statements like that in fiction turns me off entirely. I liked the concept of Black Panther when he appeared in Age of Ultron Civil War; a guy in a skin-tight suit with claws is pretty awesome and "black" simply refers to the animal, not the dude's skin colour wearing the outfit. But then people hopped on that like a bad smell and I never did watch the movie that focused on him. It's also kind of off-putting when an established fictional character's sexuality is made a major point of their character. Dumbledore is one of the most powerful and respected wizards in the wizarding world? Who cares, the real achievement is that he takes it up the chuff.

That's not acceptance or empowerment, that's giving a monkey a suit and parading him around like a circus attraction.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I think a lot of these people are genuine. Getting different characters and people working on games isn't really a bad thing but some are just using it as marketing gimmick for positive press.

And sometimes they're complete hypocrites that have a lot of sexual harassment claims against them or don't pay females staff fairly. Unfortunately a lot of those chivalrous male-feminist in gaming spheres turn out to be harassers that get away with being creeps.
Gravity cat wrote...
I liked the concept of Black Panther when he appeared in Age of Ultron; a guy in a skin-tight suit with claws is pretty awesome and "black" simply refers to the animal, not the dude's skin colour wearing the outfit. But then people hopped on that like a bad smell and I never did watch the movie that focused on him.

Think you mean Civil War LMFAO

Hatsuname wrote...
I don't support the 'empower' women thing. It seems like the people forcing this with movies, games, and media makes it worse because of how things were before and how they're shoving this down peoples throats now...
Also there has been a few people using the "being on the right side of history" defense. What history? Women already have equal rights in today's society, but this SJW stuff pretty much makes things worse by feeling as if women need to be treated special and stuff. I'm a tired Hatsun who gets paid well enough to support herself. If I worked hard enough rather than rambling everyday to feel like I'm "making a difference" I can get a better job than most guys I know. =3=
True some guys can be bias, and some places take advantage of women based on appearance. But that's the point? Most men think with their dicks, we can't control primitive instincts...

I am complaining after seeing a trailer for something with a'Strong, female, character' I was like "Wow.... I mean sure? Not sure why this girl needs to be the center of attention"

10th Realist grill I've seen in a while heh I like this post.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
RailSword wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
I liked the concept of Black Panther when he appeared in Age of Ultron; a guy in a skin-tight suit with claws is pretty awesome and "black" simply refers to the animal, not the dude's skin colour wearing the outfit. But then people hopped on that like a bad smell and I never did watch the movie that focused on him.

Think you mean Civil War LMFAO

It's a Marvel film, they're all the fucking same.
Gravity cat wrote...
RailSword wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
I liked the concept of Black Panther when he appeared in Age of Ultron; a guy in a skin-tight suit with claws is pretty awesome and "black" simply refers to the animal, not the dude's skin colour wearing the outfit. But then people hopped on that like a bad smell and I never did watch the movie that focused on him.

Think you mean Civil War LMFAO

It's a Marvel film, they're all the fucking same.

You trying to start a beardneck war?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
animefreak_usa wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
RailSword wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
I liked the concept of Black Panther when he appeared in Age of Ultron; a guy in a skin-tight suit with claws is pretty awesome and "black" simply refers to the animal, not the dude's skin colour wearing the outfit. But then people hopped on that like a bad smell and I never did watch the movie that focused on him.

Think you mean Civil War LMFAO

It's a Marvel film, they're all the fucking same.

You trying to start a beardneck war?

fite me in the wildy we'll stake ur full trimmed rune for my super rare black lobster
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Forum Image:
It's only an issue when they market it as some "cis white males begone!" movie. The cultural appropriation camp are dumb. The closet sexist and racist dudes that won't watch a movie because it has a black lead are dumb. Just enjoy the movie and if it's a bad one, don't watch it. That's a more legitimate reason.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
SJWs are an incurable disease. I almost hate them more than trump supporters at times.
I feel like SJW are like people, they'll do and say whatever the fuck they want and it's up to you if you wanna talk about it, take action or just ignore it. Personally I believe ignoring it and just believing in your own ideals and striving is a great option because at least you can tell/show the world how you roll.
respect muh wamen
Gravity cat the adequately amused
yurixhentai wrote...
respect muh wamen

she breathe she thot
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Oddly I find myself agreeing with Hatsu for once
I don't really care if movies lately have been pretty shit for a while now but its pretty bad when we got stuff like high guardian spice invading crunchyroll. It looks like it could be interesting but I fear it's going to just exist for the sake of 'diversity'. I really hope this trend dies out fast.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Forbidden101V wrote...
I don't really care if movies lately have been pretty shit for a while now but its pretty bad when we got stuff like high guardian spice invading crunchyroll. It looks like it could be interesting but I fear it's going to just exist for the sake of 'diversity'. I really hope this trend dies out fast.

This announcement made a lot of people claim to cancel their subscriptions to CR because they were under the impression that CR don't pay royalties for the anime they host and felt that their subscriptions were funding this project instead. I'm in no position to confirm whether or not this is true and people are fully within their right to cancel a subscription at any time, but there's evidence to suggest that this is not the case and people just kneejerk reacted based on misinformation. Nothing new there.

However the implementation of this show was met with pretty poor reception. And understandably so. They put so much emphasis on the diversity of the characters of the show, who made it, and that the writing cast was all-female, but barely talk about what the show is or what the role of "Guardians" are. It feels like a shallow attempt at trying to ride the coat tails of shows like RWBY and Little Witch Academia. I try not to judge people by their appearences, but pretty much everyone in the teaser announcement live up to the negative stereotype.

Digibro also commented on this and made some criticisms about the money not being used to fix Crunchyroll's video player, which still runs on Flash, often softlocks, and can't seek. Among other things which he corrected in a later video.

High Guardian Spice announcement video:
Well I think when it comes to a lot of media outlets now it seems like they put a lot of women as the main character because they are so...beautiful. They bring a wider audience lol. Some of my favorite characters have been women! If you read Mistborn from Brendan Sandersen you would know Vin is a badass. If you read Battle Angel Alita then you see the complex and beautiful character Alita becomes. If you watched the Alien movies by Ridley Scott then you have seen a classical movie. Man or woman-it doesn't matter who the MC is to me, I just want to read/watch something entertaining.

I agree with you though. Sometimes they take it too far -__-
Age of Swords by Michael Sullivan made the whole cast "strong" women and made the guys useless or pitiful. I didn't drop it because I was sexist, I dropped it because it was annoying that he shitted on the guys. I would have been annoyed if the roles were reversed too
I remember there was that beautiful and hot as fuck actress who is going to play as Batwoman, but the SJW feminist are pissed about it because it's not.... "Lesbian" enough? I don't fucking know!