Probably super standard

Hey! I mean yes I’m doing this for the free books, but I won’t half-ass it. I’m a 20yo bloke for Australia who enjoys some good hentai doujins. When I went to Japan I bought a physical book of it and it was funny when they came up a week later translated here on fakku. I’m into anime and films in general, and am actually studying film at uni. I have no girlfriend of course but I’m decently popular with a good range of friends, and am going to go get ramen lunch with some in half an hour!

Nice to meet you all!
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Welcome friend (^w^)
Even if you don’t win it’s the friends you make along the way! Studying film sounds very fun! Are you going for directing editing or some other element of film? Fakku is a great place to hang out but there is a distinct lack of ramen
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome
Elephantgravestone wrote...
Even if you don’t win it’s the friends you make along the way! Studying film sounds very fun! Are you going for directing editing or some other element of film? Fakku is a great place to hang out but there is a distinct lack of ramen

Sorta camerawork and writing are my fave fields, directing would be good too. I’m pretty open minded though.