Greetings to all

This section suddenly became a lot more active. Hi all, joining the long list of posts. Have been lurking forums for the past few years now, usually for the chatter when a poll comes up or when a new book is announced but haven't really joined in (definitely not the most lively forum). Outside of the internet, I've been visiting the Fakku booth at anime conventions and have a nicely sized collection of books now, though they are releasing faster than I can collect them. Always a blast to see other enthusiasts at Fakku panels, and I'll probably be there at Anime Expo this year.
Daxter955 Count De Monet
Hello and welcome! I also have been collecting fakku! books and doujinshi. It's tough to keep up but just seeing that shelf grow just gives the best feeling lol. FYI I have over 375 doujinshi and probably over 50 books from fakku! and Japanese publisher. Cheers!
Welcome and first time I’ll be going to AX personally so hopefully you’ll have fun :)
Yes welcome! I’m jealous you get to go to ax this year. Especially getting to meet everyone! It’ll be a blast I’m sure
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome