Browncoats Unite!

NaughtyWinter Wicked in the Winter
Greetings, Earth and all who inhabit it! I'm a rocket man who loves sci-fi movies & TV shows. Stargate, Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar, Firefly, Riddick, and so on. Everyone on here has at least one thing in common and I'm proud to announce that here on the black lizard plant we love anime! I'm an AR & VR enthusiast, self-published author, software developer, and freelance photographer. Oh almost forgot to mention I'm a gamer as well. I'm 23 going on 24 and being an avid reader I feel like I've lived countless lifetimes. I traveled far and wide from the northern fields to the Southern swamps. I've stood on the highest peak east of the Mississippi and camped across from Pikes Peak Colorado. I have family in California and North Dakota. Now I just sit in my house with 2 dogs watching game of thrones and the walking dead. Give me those free books you filthy people. Please and thank you.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Welcome to the forums (^w^)
Hello and welcome to a new adventure!
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Hello and welcome!

Stargate and star trek are great shows

i have been looking into photographer, most from an amateur point.