Capt Marvel was meh at best.

6/10. Was a 5 but the reason why fury lost his eye was good. Squid cat too. Endgame is next. WHEN THAT RELEASES.
Haven't seen it, really didn't look good. Endgame was awesome though.
And that film confirms for me that she's a crappy character.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
didn't like endgame
Taz_9000 wrote...
didn't like endgame

I wanted more deaths. Infinity War was so good because it was nice to see the villain win for once, and it was an earned win. Thanos just wanted to cook up a delicious fucking slap up meal, he deserved it, but gets sliced.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
i think it was to hyped up

They bring in captain marvel as some who is meant to be one of the strongest
but is missing for most of the movie.

plus the pacing was horrible

they come out saying time travel will solve the problem, stark saying no
than 2 sec later he has solved the problem

in the iron man movies they show stark has a hard time with his emotion when things go bad
but none of that was shown here
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Antman crawling inside Thanos' anus and constantly shrinking and expanding was brilliant.
Seeing Thanos with a smile on his face was the true end. I don't care if it's not canon.