
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Good film. Three headed dragon vs big dinosaur motherfucker featuring Mothra and some other losers
Oh and people.
Monsters are involved throughout the film this time around. I'm a sucker for watching huge-arsed monsters fight each other.

Forum Image: https://media1.tenor.com/images/e431f2b36a61e64c371229549e893985/tenor.gif?itemid=14236762

Godzilla did a Primal Reversion.

Forum Image: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/9d/383Groudon-Primal.png/600px-383Groudon-Primal.png
Best modern version is Shin Godzilla. Love Anno's work.
Don't watch modern interpretation of old Japanese movies.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
animefreak_usa wrote...
Don't watch modern interpretation of old Japanese movies.

They did a good job on the models.
Took me back to Pacific Rim and its mindless kaiju face-punching nonsense.
I heard some people hated it. I really didn't like the prequel so I don't think I'm going to bother with this one.
Never seen any of the Godzilla films, I always saw him as gimmicky. Maybe I should check them out.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Ryssen wrote...
I heard some people hated it. I really didn't like the prequel so I don't think I'm going to bother with this one.

The one before was advertised as having Brian Cranston in it and showed him extensively in the trailers. And considering how well-received he was for appearing in the film people had high hopes. But what they didn't tell you was that his character gets killed off fairly early on and shifts focus to someone else and focuses on that guy and his backstory. Godzilla barely appears until the end, and all he really does is cockblock a couple of spider-looking twats. If I wanted to watch a drama I'd fucking watch a drama. I wanted to see a big mutant dinosaur fuck shit up.

This time around the now-dubbed "titans" are ever-present throughout the film. It again focuses on a family and their drama but they themselves are more closely connected to the titans as a whole. So for me it's a little more bearable because there's more fight scenes and the visuals of the titans are pretty nice.

Forum Image: https://32gfgp1gm6bj459xa11b45hp-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Godzilla-King-of-the-Monsters.gif
Forum Image: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/af6dg5ljfh0icav4eua8.gif
Gravity cat the adequately amused
yurixhentai wrote...
Never seen any of the Godzilla films, I always saw him as gimmicky. Maybe I should check them out.

Honestly I've only really watched King of the Monsters and the one before.
I can kind of see the appeal, but as you say at times it can seem very gimmicky. Especially when you see old interpretations have shit like this:
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/RpYTz.gif
Kind of hard to take it seriously.

Kong vs Godzilla is meant to be the next one. I low-key hope they show Kong shoving a tree in Godzilla's mouth as an Easter Egg.
yurixhentai wrote...
Never seen any of the Godzilla films, I always saw him as gimmicky. Maybe I should check them out.

Original and Shin Godzilla are the ones I recommend the most since Godzilla symbolizes the outcome of nuclear warfare from WW2 and Fukushima respectively. I also heard that part of Shin Godzilla's dialog is taken directly from the public statements regarding Fukushima. The other Godzilla films paint Godzilla more as a hero and a protector rather than an indestructible force. It's a little ironic that America are doing Godzilla films, now when I think about it.
Ryssen wrote...
Original and Shin Godzilla are the ones I recommend the most since Godzilla symbolizes the outcome of nuclear warfare from WW2 and Fukushima respectively. I also heard that part of Shin Godzilla's dialog is taken directly from the public statements regarding Fukushima.

Holy shit, never knew that. That's fucking dark.
yurixhentai wrote...
Holy shit, never knew that. That's fucking dark.

That's what makes Godzilla stands out from the rest. The american re-release try to cover up as many hints of Godzilla being a symbol of the bomb as possible, cuz you know. I think a lot of Japanese media got affected/inspired by the bomb, works like Akira or these. Oh and Shin godzilla is directed by Hideaki Anno.
Being a Godzilla fan can be quite lonesome sometimes since certain people just don't understand why anyone can love it. I wish the new movie was more Godzilla vs. Ghidora or GMK instead of Final Wars, but alas, we don't always get our wishes. I liked it. It was far from perfect, but I liked it. Fight scenes were handled well, but I felt some didn't have a good ending crescendo and I felt the ending was a bit abrupt. There were a lot of nods to previous movies though, and it was enough to make me feel like the very first time I ever watched Godzilla vs. Biollante which was my introduction to Godzilla. When you're a kid, you don't see the cheesy man in a suit, just the awe inspiring imagery. This new movie came close to giving me that childhood feeling again despite its flaws.

Overall, Good out of 10, would watch again for just being a fan. Now if only I could say the same about that misguided anime series...
Absolutely me, when all the monster fights happening!

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Zg26Ug4.jpg