Hello everyone :3

Hey im some Idiot Pancake trying out FAKKU! I love hentai since i was young. And im a Pervert but also a Virgin so i guess its my way to cry and see what i never have. But nice stuff. Im sure not going :3 thanks~
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome to fakku
Hi SakuraNekoChan,
You're not the only one. I'm a rather new subscriber as well but, it's nice to know that you are not the only one who has these interests and there is a community here that is supportive rather than judgemental. I can't tell you how many times I have had strange responses from people from just the fact that I like anime, so I've kept my interest in hentai secret. Glad to see another fellow hentai!
@tomika The Lewd Wolf
Hi there, welcome and enjoy your stay here! :D
gammenon Story Junkie
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Hey there, welcome.

What kind of kinks are you into for your hentai?
Squigl best squigl
hello and welcome!