How are you keeping busy with Quarintine?

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Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I'm technically an essential business employee so I still get to work but it's dreadful drool with only being able to go out to work and get food.

I've been getting into LN's and some manga backlog but not doing anything productive besides that.
I've lost almost all interest for anime and television in general.
Still working as well. Also similarly, I don't watch TV or anime either, really. So I spend free time playing vidya or watching things on Youtube. I have some manga I got from Barnes & Noble I should get around to reading but I just haven't for some reason.
Cruz wrote...
lost almost all interest for anime

623 wrote...
don't watch TV or anime either

but there are some pretty cool shows
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also i wanted for someone to make a topic like that, gj

and when the virus reached my city i applied for a payed vacation till may, so now im figuring out what to rewatch while my coworkers are working from home
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Still working here.
Editing YTPs with my Vegas Pro and exercising a lot because i hate being fat and i got a mild stroke.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm not a key worker so we've been closed for a little over a week now. My workplace thinks this might last through to July. Trying to keep occupied by playing games I've been meaning to finish. I've also started playing Animal Crossing New Horizons; my first AC game. It's alright but there's a few things about the gameplay mechanics that irks me, like the game refusing to plant a tree because you don't have your shovel out so you have to bring it out manually, then do it again. Game works on a grid system but you can't see where you're aiming so I've dug in the wrong spots plenty of times. It's also one of those games where crafting only takes into account what you have on you; it ignores resources in storage which you can only access by going in your house which requires a loading screen to go in and another to leave. A lot of menu surfing because of that. Have all AC games been like that?

I've not really watched much TV for a few years now, and I don't watch much anime these days. Instead I mostly watch random youtube videos. Come to think of it, I was watching the Nekopara anime every week but I've not watched the past 3 episodes. lol oops.
I only go out for my appointments and food. Watch videos, read mangos, try to choke my rod but it's like wrestling soggy cup of noodle. Puke. Mostly watch you tube or doom.

Which will be harder for the next few days since in 3 hrs my good eye is getting lasered so yeah I'm gonna be legally blind until that one comes back.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
i am classed as a key worker so i still need to go into work
My part time job can be done over phone/Skype so that's cool but decreased hours isn't cool. In the meantime, I've been looking for a full-time job for whenever this epidemic is over (I've been a NEET/Half NEET for over a year after graduating and I'm getting kinda sick of it). Otherwise, I've been playing Monster Hunter World (aka my video game cocaine), listening to a fuck ton of basketball podcasts, and going through my college math/physics textbooks for fun.
Squigl best squigl
Im just enjoying my first time off in a long while
Lots of paperwork. The quarantine just makes them go up in number.
I've been working out, arranging my house, learning Japanese, and working hard to make sure I'm consistent in my studies. Also telecommuting to Jujitsu. If I don't do all this, getting in shape mentally and physically, how will I ever find my waifu, hehe...

That feel when stuck in quarantine for your birthday and you have a game coming your way about a virus, Resi3Remake...
Animal Crossing's island is my new life
animefreak_usa wrote...

I found this funnier than I probably should have lmao Also was that Ebola-chan I saw
Wasting time away with streams for way too many hours...

Soon getting busy with ff7remake this Friday
Hentai games fulfill me
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Ndkyo wrote...
Hentai games fulfill me

Which games would you recommend?
i got laid off so im just trying to maintain myself and eat reasonable meals. also, a lot of animal crossing. and youtube. and hentai. the works yknow
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