I absolutely HATE the new "Random" feature of Unlimited.

I read releases chronologically and I don't want to have a randomized list presented to me. I hated when Fakku went to thumbnail only view and did away with tags at a glance. I'm seriously going to cancel my membership over this.

Edit: Okay so I found that if I click "Unlimited" I get the worst UX I've ever been subjected to. However if I click "New Releases" then "Latest FAKKU Unlimited Chapters" I can get back to the way I like browsing. There's also a dropdown on this page where as it's not on the "Unlimited" page to offer me a random selection. God guys... get your act together. Provide us options not hairbrained UI mandates and wonky workarounds.
If you want to read chronologically, at least from the homepage, I'd check and make sure that the option "Show Popular Right Now" on Front Page in your settings is turned off. It used to have an icon to indicate it was an older chapter buuuut it's gone now lmao. If that setting is turned off the homepage should just be new releases in order.
I appreciate the response and nothing against you personally but that's not quite what I'm complaining about. I don't want to read the homepage, I am upset that viewing "Unlimited" chronologically is so hard now. If I click the "Unlimited" tag inside a release or on the nav bar it takes me to the random view. The only way I can get to the view I like is either directly via the /tags/unlimited URL or New Releases > Latest FAKKU Unlimited Chapters.

Overall my complaint is a bigger one. Your guys' dev or UX folks seem to have this idea that they will just overhaul how certain features work without considering the people that liked it that way. There's no option for me to change the tiled view back to a "Details" view like used to exist. I want options to change things between different UI styles when something new comes out.
This is good feedback. It's always hard to judge how people use parts of the website like this. Do you read new releases on the front page? The New Releases tab? The tag page? The Unlimited page? etc

For now, I have implemented your suggestion and if you are a subscriber clicking the unlimited tag will take you to the old place (the tag page for Unlimited). For everyone else, it will take you to the landing page which is meant to be used for promotion more than anything.

I also made a new thread to track bugs like this with the new design, keeping it in one place will help get them fixed faster.
Jacob wrote...
This is good feedback. It's always hard to judge how people use parts of the website like this. Do you read new releases on the front page? The New Releases tab? The tag page? The Unlimited page? etc

Figured I'd also chime in on my own user behavior, but I've always used the front page for new releases and rely on the tags and thumbnails to determine interest, then navigate to previous pages from the front page itself when going back for other slightly less recent releases chronologically. I also use the tag/artist pages themselves if I'm looking for specific content, but I most often just stick to the front page(s) for general use. The page navigation is no longer available via the front page, but I can still manually get there via the URL /page/#, though that's obviously just a workaround.