Download not available after indicated date

Hi, pretty casual member here.

Recently (as in, less than an hour as of this writing), I purchased the digital copy of [Bobobo] Passionate Porno. According to the page, the download should already be available. That however, is not the case.

Is there something I need to do to rectify this?

Thanks in advance.
BoldMourn Harem consumer
It’s available on my end…

Edit, the bigger problem is that it is out of order on the download, it jumps to Ch 3 of roommates before continuing…
Yeah, it's available as of 1 January. So note to self: buy something at least a week after its digital availability date.

No order problem on my end. At least on the 2600x zip.
BoldMourn Harem consumer
It was the 3200x that was messed up.
Sometimes it takes longer than the date. A few hours to a day. H-girl had an issue with the first 23 pages. The system is pretty much automatic and since it came out during the vacation it might be a little bit