Please provide option to read in the original language

I want to practice to my Japanese language skills. Is it possible for Fakku to provide the content in the original language?

I am a paid subscriber. Thank you.
this would mean double the uploaded data, i.e. probably twice the server cost for one person lol

just buy the original magazines. komiflo isn't available outside of japan, but there's plenty of sites like dl-site, book live, book walker, ebookjapan etc. for digital magazines and,, melonbooks etc. for physical editions. almost all magazines got ugly "white out" censorship though and the volumes more or less transparent censor bars, depending on the publisher.
You can actually buy legally on Amazon any Japanese manga or even Ero manga. Physically or digitally.. Both on Amazon us and Amazon JP plus the hundreds of other Japanese sites selling Japanese language books and texts. I mean that's what I have to do to read my native languages books since my native language is so rare outside of our little corner of the Iberian Peninsula.

Not to include the many other sites hosting Japanese language text.
You are right, I will use dlsite. I wish they had a monthly subscription, though.
like i said, there's komiflo for 1078 yen per month and it covers most magazines fakku has as well (comic gunjoh for example is missing) and even some that fakku doesn't have like comic hotmilk and comic megastore etc.

the catch is that it's region restricted. they probably want a proof of residence and/or a japanese cell phone number. you can try here:
Monster Girl
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