UPDATED! // C82 Sample Illustration

[ n a m a c c u ]
- thanks xD the first one doesnt have this
"hotness" on me..

This is just a temp PV so im not focusing
much on text positioning yet. The final
outcome will show the designs and overall

[ k u r o n e k o 1 / 2 ]
- thanks kuro!! xD

[ k l o w n & M R G ]
- tattoo? does Jacob have tattoo on his body?
I might want to have this info and what kind
of tattoo does he have..

Ill try to fix the pants on the right side. But
im not sure if I can put another PV since
I might work on it till the end xD but ill make
sure to fix the pants for you guys ^^

[ s y m e r i a ]
- thanks ^^ the face part took me almost 2 hours
honestly //

[ c o c o - t a n ]
- hmm I might change the jeans to a loose type
or maybe have to do some adjustments on it.

Thanks for those images xD but since im not basing
it on female jeans, its kinda hard for me to balance it
on girls legs -_-;


ok then ill just be back later xD
He doesn't have a tatoo (from what I know) but the Hen-tie tattoo is because of the limited Hen-Tie shirts they had for sale.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
MRG wrote...
He doesn't have a tatoo (from what I know) but the Hen-tie tattoo is because of the limited Hen-Tie shirts they had for sale.
If you have a shot with Jacky turned around, put the tattoo on her lower back. She seems like the type of girl to get a tramp stamp.
That drawing is fappable. Highly. Jacob should change his avatar to that picture. +rep, C_O, for being amazing.
[ M R G ]
- a hen-tie tattoo// hmm im not sure if
im going to add it to Jacky since its quite

[ t s u j o i ]
- im not sure if im going to make another
illustration with Jacky since after this im
going to study anatomy again for my own
manga preparation or maybe a fanservice
one shot story hentai..

but well not a bad idea to make jacky as
the original character xD

[ c a t c h e r ]
- lol but thanks to that fappable word, now
I feel contented that this illustration is going
to be hot xD

thanks for the rep too xD


ok now going to edit the pants . . .
Forum Image: http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs29/i/2009/244/e/e/Jacob_No_Hi_Mi_Tsu_by_ichvon.jpg

just updated the pants/jeans and hopes that this is ok now. I even
took a pic of pants in that position so that there will be no more
mistakes >x<

im planning to complete the full line-art this saturday but im not
sure bout the WIP for that...

well gtg sleep zzzzz....

btw click the link to see the page in my dA account then click the
download for full detail
Awesome +rep
Again (Courtesy of Queen Cruise)
Forum Image: http://hrfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/holmes_jeans.jpg

Forum Image: http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/8108259/2/istockphoto_8108259-hip-young-woman-in-baseball-cap-and-baggy-jeans.jpg

They wouldn't go down that far unless she was overweight.

Ignore. Looks better.
Even more awesome now. Another rep for ya. What'll be your next work? ^^
[ k l o w n ]
- thanks xD

[ c o c o - t a n ]
- maybe the one you saw is the embed one, I edited my own
submission in dA but seems like it doesnt work at once so
im pushed to use the image only then just added the link.

[ k u r o n e k o ]
- this is not yet finished, its not yet even half. I still
need to add some BG then colors. Im not yet sure bout my
next project but im planning to study first for atleast
several months then back again into illustration. But this
time, im planning to make a Doujin of Fairy Tail since im
not seeing any doujins of it.
BTW guys just want to ask some suggestions regarding what
background will fit this one. If possible, I would really
appreciate if you will give me an image so that I can use
it as my guide. You can also give me an idea, just be somehow
precise bout the background so that I can draw it properly.

Thanks for the cooperation guys!! im planning to make it in
High quality illustration as a proper gift for Jacob.
Cross_Over wrote...
BTW guys just want to ask some suggestions regarding what
background will fit this one. If possible, I would really
appreciate if you will give me an image so that I can use
it as my guide. You can also give me an idea, just be somehow
precise bout the background so that I can draw it properly.

Thanks for the cooperation guys!! im planning to make it in
High quality illustration as a proper gift for Jacob.

Art gallery at an anime convention :) or Anime figure shop? Hen-tie in the bg zapping Jacob with a gender bender gun. How a about group of bearded men surrounding Jacky?
Jonoe wrote...
Cross_Over wrote...
BTW guys just want to ask some suggestions regarding what
background will fit this one. If possible, I would really
appreciate if you will give me an image so that I can use
it as my guide. You can also give me an idea, just be somehow
precise bout the background so that I can draw it properly.

Thanks for the cooperation guys!! im planning to make it in
High quality illustration as a proper gift for Jacob.

Art gallery at an anime convention :) or Anime figure shop? Hen-tie in the bg zapping Jacob with a gender bender gun. How a about group of bearded men surrounding Jacky?

woah! Jacky surrounded by beardy? hmmm kinda hard for me since
I dont usually draw male characters T.T but ill take some info
regarding the zapping of the hen-tie. Thanks btw!!
ok now this will be my last update for this project xD
Forum Image: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj239/Crapez/JSPV4.jpg

im going to add some stuff later but the WIP version will not be
available anymore. I just want to show the progress that I made
this whole week..

been tired redrawing the BG to fit the pose.. and the fact that
I used the irregular perspective camera view.. its kinda hard
for me to calculate each piece of woods..

well hope that you enjoy this last WIP update. The next one your
going to see is the finished version ^^

ok then have to sleep now.. zzzzz
It looks good, and you should make a Hen-Tie motive on that t-shirt there, it would be perfect.

That said, it feels kinda off that she's getting embarrassed over losing her clothes in a dressing room, ain't that what those are for? lol
KLoWn wrote...
It looks good, and you should make a Hen-Tie motive on that t-shirt there, it would be perfect.

That said, it feels kinda off that she's getting embarrassed over losing her clothes in a dressing room, ain't that what those are for? lol

actually im planning to the hen-tie logo and some dialogues there afterwards.
the scene here is that "Jacky" is actually trying to bandage
her breast to flatten it but suddenly the bandage break making
her embarrased, something like that xD

Well its up to you guys on how you will make your own scene
here ^^ since there are lots of ideas when it comes to illustrations.
Place a tie with a hentie logo around her neck hehe ... at least the cleage is there ^_^
sorry for the long wait!! atlast finished xD

Jacky No Hi.Mi.Tsu -LV- by ~ichvon on deviantART

visit the illustration for full details if you want btw +fav is really
appreciable ^^ hope that jacob will like it.
It's really good Ich ! It's worthy waiting for ! Ruuu...
damn my lad where have you been!?
and you got a present for us..

comment for cross's art

as mangak350 shuned of cross's magnificent art
he spits his milk at his keyboard with an epic
way of veiwing.

MANGAKA350 - my lad that is a gift O_O *drolls milk*

CROSS - damn right is a gift i called it the mona jacky by yours truly >=)
Monster Girl
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