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I live, then soon die, then my remains will turn to nutrients, follow the food chain, somehow my nutrients will reach a human, turn nutrient into cells, some said cells are sperm/egg cells, be fertilized, then somehow be 'reincarnated' back into a human again.

We all die. It's natural. Live as if it were your last. Momento Mori.

The trick is to enjoy the moment and don't think what's next after you die. Whether we reincarnate or go to fapper's hell or something, at least we lived the good life.
I'm not really scared of the thought of death, rather than the thought of dieing itself. Death is but something inevitable that lies ahead on the road of all living beings, however in the end, it depends on the sole fact if you are happy with the life you lead so far I guess.
If you have regrets and still alot of things you feel you NEED to do (not just want to do, but that have a great impact upon your life), than I guess death is a scary thought.

To quote one of your former presidents (Benjamin Franklin): Only two things in life are certain. Death and Taxes.
I really do not worry about death. I can agree with what others said about being scared of disappearing forever. About how thought will cease, and who will remember you? That's why humans strive so hard in life to imprint their actions upon the world, whether it is done through benevolent or malevolent deeds. (Gandhi/Hitler). However, there is one upside to death that many people overlook since they are preoccupied with worrying about it in the first place. No more pain or stress. A bit ironic, IMO.
gibbous wrote...
I'm fine with death, because I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, or reincarnation. To be frank, I am quite happy that I don't have to go on forever.

It's the agony before the end that scares me.

Reincarnation would suck unless you were reincarnated with your memories and knowledge of your pastlife.
Pennlocke wrote...
However, there is one upside to death that many people overlook since they are preoccupied with worrying about it in the first place. No more pain or stress. A bit ironic, IMO.

Thats only an upside for those in extreme cases...
People can say they are not afraid of dying nor of death itself, but the truth shall surface the moment Death smiles in front of you.
Well, intellectually, at least, I don't believe there's such a thing as an afterlife. I am my mind, and once you shut that down and disassemble the parts, it doesn't go anywhere, it's just gone.

That being said, it is hard to accept you'll be gone. But philosophy comes to the rescue!

When I think of other people, I realize what I'm thinking of isn't "them" in the sense they experience themselves. The reverse must also be true. But I believe that "me" isn't simply my experience of me, but also that of others; in other words, every person I've ever met carries a piece of me inside them. You could even say I *am* a part of every people I've ever met, just as they are a part of me.

So when this mind of mine makes a poof and is gone, I will keep existing, in all the people who knew me, and the people they meet, and the people they meet, for as long as there are people. The world will remember me, even if it forgets that it does. And if the things about me remembered are something I'm proud of.. I think that's as close to heaven as I need.

I hope I was understandable. :)
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
gibbous wrote...
I'm fine with death, because I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, or reincarnation. To be frank, I am quite happy that I don't have to go on forever.

It's the agony before the end that scares me.

Reincarnation would suck unless you were reincarnated with your memories and knowledge of your pastlife.

It would be like Endless 8
I feel that death is around us and its inevitable. So why not embrace it and keep living your life. The fact is that everyone dies but I don't fear death. Because I know if was to die tomorrow I would still be living. In the hearts and memories of those that love me. I don't believe in reincarnation or heaven and hell cause it can sometimes be more scary then death itself. I choose to embrace the fact that I could die any moment and say when I die I die and that's it.
Hentai-Legacy wrote...
I know if was to die tomorrow I would still be living. In the hearts and memories of those that love me.

Woah, that was... cheesy. Times 10. First time I've seen someone out of a screen actually say/write that.
Mortality, hm...

I've recently been thinking about death actually, because I fear it a lot, if I've fulfilled my life, will I die with no regrets, if someone will burn my stories before they think of reading them...

I don't mind about death, just so long as I'm happy with whatever life I have before I die.

If I'm miserable, I'd prefer suicide.

Ooooh, I'm freakin' morbid!
Maxiart wrote...
Hentai-Legacy wrote...
I know if was to die tomorrow I would still be living. In the hearts and memories of those that love me.

Woah, that was... cheesy. Times 10. First time I've seen someone out of a screen actually say/write that.

Forum Image:
Unless religions are hiding something from us (people coming back from the dead and telling them what's on the other side) I don't think any of them have any chance at having even vaguely accurately guessed what the afterlife is like. Pretty much either we die and that's it, too bad, haha or something happens and nobody has any idea what and won't know until they're dead. I won't write out the chance that there is something after death because I have yet to be dead yet so obviously I don't know. Fortunately the whole question isn't a big deal to me because I don't buy into any religious bs and will enjoy my life as much as I can either way.

Of course if given the choice I'd rather be immortal than risk finding out because I rather enjoy being alive.
I don't mean to offend but i think that all religion is stupid.
when you die you just die.

this is what i belive
Well since i'm an atheist *hides from the inevitable sh*t storm* I employ a more nihilistic philosophy when it comes to mortality. There is no "meaning of life" we simply exist because the laws of nature allows us to do so (its same reason rocks exist), and so I understand the value of the belief in immortality. As self-aware beings we are afraid that one day it will all end and that we will eventually be nothing but an unremembered pile of dust. But I've come to accept the fact that the universe is a cold and apathetic cesspool, because I know that even for a little while I enjoyed the pleasure of being able to live (now how many rocks are able to say that?).

Death: it always ends. that's what gives it value.
(Bonus cookie for anyone who got the reference)
I tend not to think about Death or Mortality, but it always seems to arrive in the back of my head.
I'm a theist (Catholic, for now) and I'm scared about God judging me, but with the actual act of dying, I'm not too scared of that (unless it's torture of course).
Now, questioning my religion doesn't change the fact that I'm not scared of dying, it's what happens after, if anything, that I feel a bit afraid about.
For me, mortality is just skin deep. Of course many people accept or are unsubmissive to death, its just that fact of IF you want to accept that when you die, where will you end up?

Many religions tell you about how to make it to peace or damnation, but each point to live life to its fullest or help a person in need.
Heck, theres even the path to live past materialism and become one with the "void" of the world. (Jainism is not Atheist)

Death is always something to be scared of, but something to also rejoice because it brings life. Or if you think of it scientifically, death is always based on logic/probability (correct if I'm wrong ~) so we don't have much to say (unless you are a miracle believer).

Plus its not fair to fear for our lives when other peoples have it much harder than us. Mortality is, and always will be a biggest flaw. So suck it up guys ! We gotta live for whatever matters. ( > o < ) /

Hope that makes sense. . w.
I am not religious so the idea of a "Heaven or Reincarnation" isn't really something that holds much with me, but I believe when you die it's as if though you sleep you have dreams or nightmares but what you did in the world has nothing to do with it. I have had time when i was sleeping where i was having a dream then it was nightmare back to dream.
fero wrote...
I don't mean to offend but i think that all religion is stupid.
when you die you just die.
fero wrote...
I don't mean to offend but i think that all religion is stupid.
when you die you just die.

this is what i belive

Blame the religion and its beliefs, but personally believing in a God is never stupid, well, unless you believe that god is asking for sacrifices and you start kidnapping people and making burnt offerings of humans.

Plus I believe there never really is an end to anything, because everything happens in a cycle. We die, our remains become nutrient, and soon the energy returns to man. It's like the Ouroboros, eating its own tail to replenish itself in an eternal cycle.
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