most distinct feature that your friends know its you

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dunno... I think...


it has a lasting impression... oh, and my voice

Removed, why bother
the fact that i facepalm when i see them.
the only white guy living with short filipinos(family)
Probably my beard, and not the epic kind of reason, but rather the fact that the thing grows in sick little patches. >.<

I look like I'm still fourteen trying to grow a beard during puberty. Fucking genetics.
That tall guy which talks allot..

Don't think I have some cool district quality that I can be recognized by
I'm black I go to a white school
6'3" kinda hard to miss.
Ive got this bad ass black leather trench coat that makes me look like a killer,(ive been told i look like a killer before i began wearing the jacket probably do to my lack of smiling) plus im 6 foot 2 so...
Looking like a killer huh? Yeah, I've had my share too, it surely is annoying. I get called like that because of my quiet attitude, and the overall shyness gives the wrong impression. Stack that on top of my undeniably geeky appearence and you've got something resembling a school shooter(been called that too). So, if you ever come across someone who reminds you of that Cho guy, it's probably me. :|

Edit: Zombies.
HeroDuke wrote...
Looking like a killer huh? Yeah, I've had my share too, it surely is annoying. I get called like that because of my quiet attitude, and the overall shyness gives the wrong impression. Stack that on top of my undeniably geeky appearance and you've got something resembling a school shooter(been called that too). So, that would be my most prominent feature. :|

School shooter?? I was not even aware you could kill them :P
jenslyn wrote...
I was not even aware you could kill them

That's what they said about zombies.
soooo... you also zombies in your spare time?... AWSOME!!

I think you should have mentioned that as your most distinct feature :D
The guy playing the only Kingdom hearts limited Edition GBA-SP in college Lol

You could see me from the 5th floor in a crowd.
let's see.....bearded,messy hair,sometimes carrying Diesel bag,checkered shirt(not puting it inside pants though),anime otaku,look like a terrorist.
that's probably it.
Probably the long hair, always wear a t-shirt, almost always got my earphones on and the fact that I'm still using the same backpack since 1st grade (Damn that's quality I tell ya!).
Hmm... must be the glowing aura of awesome that surrounds me at all times.
Pretty much the feature that I dont really put much effort in how I look...when not necessary

Example - T shirt shorts and slippers to a lecture hall
My glasses.I don't look like me without my glasses O.O
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