Comedic Things That Made Your Day

Rustling Jimmies thread in IB. I was late for class because of it.
Filled my bestie's snack with unknown dirt and watched her react "SHIMATTA !!!"
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Had my tooth replaced and it was rather misplaced.
Something is happening with Fakku, where I can't see my options in "Post a Reply" or Images at all, so I shall leave this link right here :#
Watching fishermen struggle so hard to catch those big-ass fishes.
Justin Bieber getting booed
Watched a chihuahua staying perfectly still while I used the chair's controller to move it in every direction possible. That little thing acted like all was perfectly normal, meanwhile the entire family was dying of laughter.
Cat trying to sex up the leg of my chair O.o
Scared the living shit out of my wife's parents by putting the Emergency Alert System through all speakers in their house.
I saw Microsoft's latest information on their new console.
I drove 15 miles with my cousins girlfriend's cat and gave it to the nearest animal shelter.

Lulz and drama shall ensue for great justice tommorow. Seriously. They'll never know what happened. Either way, that cat was getting on my nerves every time it raked my legs with its claws.
I definitely put sparkly silver eyeshadow on my almost 4 year old nephew today, and he definitely walked up to his mother going "I'm so pwettyyy mommy! "
UFGT 9's Mystery Game Tournament Grand Finals.
My bf ruthlessly pointing out the deviations and changes in the new Star Trek movie versus the old one. But enjoying it nevertheless.
My nephew being amused by his toes, anytime I brought them up to his face or tickled them, he'd get all wide eyed and giggle like there was no tomorrow.
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Damn Canada, you weird.
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I mentioned the disapearance of my cousin's girlfriend's cat innocently and acting unaware. She started crying like the damn bitch she is, thinking the cat is lost and cold in the rain. >:3

The other day, I gave the cat to the animal shelter a day ago, without them knowing. Doing this doesn't make me feel guilty considering they barely fed the damn creature with any food which wasn't their leftovers

I was the one who first dated her, but she prefered my cousin upon seeing him and dumped me at the very first damn date for HIM. Everyone prefers my full-time-job, successful-in-life, cousin.

Back in high school my teacher ordered some pizzas right... and when she saw one of them she said "i dont remember ordering this with SAUSAGE" i broke out with laughter! whoever gets it is awesome.