Do you live alone?

Do you live alone?

Total Votes : 6,011
Dormitory for me. Its more convenient that commuting to school every day.
Yes, living with family now as well as being the main support. Dad died a few years back, so mom needs to be looked after,and lil bro cant catch a break. Kinda hard to do with a felony record. But, its cool, my own room, my own PC, and things are looking up, so will be looking for a high rise in OKC in about a year.
At home with my family... school tuition, fees, food, electricity, etc are too much for me to afford at the moment with my minimum wage jobs without my parent's support.
Still with family but hoping one day can afford to live independently..
live with my family till i can stand on my own
I live with my family but only because i live in Rome (Italy) and here house cost too much for a student and there aren't student house here. So i have to live with my dad :)
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I want to move out. I have quite a large group of friends and three/four of them I frequently go to the pub with, might bring up renting a flat with them
My parents are living with me untill i finish school p.s. 18 and have my own house. :)
I am a home owner with just the wife and I at home. My sister-in-law stays over on weekends. I'm in my late 20s.

For those of you thinking about doing something like buying a house, owning a home is hard. VERY hard. There's a lot you have to pay for. My expenses get broken down something like this every month:

House payment: $1000.00 month ($143K mortgage)
Car payment: $230 month (I have two cars, but the old Fiero is long paid for)
Insurance for the cars: $120 month
Electricity: $70-$120 month
Water/gas/etc bills: about $150-$200 depending on the time of year
Cell phones: $120 month
Internet/TV: $120 month
Gas for cars: about $120 month
Groceries: about $200 a month (we try to only buy what we need)
The anime/manga fund: whatever is left after bills & savings (usually very little)

There's probably some other small bills in there I skipped, but those are all off the top of my head.

Me and my wife paid for our own college expenses out of pocket and worked the whole time (I took longer to finish, and I paid around $24K out of pocket, and got grants for the rest). We owe no education loans of any type. AVOID school loans if you can. They're the worst thing to have when you get out of school. It may suck really bad when you're in school - believe me, there was a point for five months where I worked three jobs and went to school - but having to not pay a dime after it's done is incredibly relaxing.

After that, we lived in an apartment for a bit over two years and saved up about $20K before we were able to "comfortably" get a house with no issues. I still try to save as much as I can and have pretty much replenished any monies I had to spend to get into the house. It's a blast having a place you can call your own. However, do know that it is a tremendous amount of work. Me and the wife work for the Gov't and I also work a second job. I think I put in about 80-90 hours a week when it's all said and done.

Still looking forward to being out on your own? ^_^
I feel like "No, I live with my significant other" would be a reasonable distinction from "No, I live with my friends." After all, living with my girlfriend I'm free to walk around naked, which is one of the biggest perks of living alone that is not shared when living with friends.
I live in the attic of my family's house and the door has 3 kinds of locks on the inside of the door it so there is nothing but privacy whenever I need it instantly, high up with small windows in the back so I can walk around naked when wanted, and completely sound proof so nobody know what the hell I do up here.
I wish i lived alone cause my family is driving me flipping crazy. I live with my grandmother and father one is 50years old and the other 70years old both act like there 3years old 99% of the time.
I live with my family as well and its normal. But I use to live on my own before (For like 5 months) and It wasn't bad, I did what I want that I couldn't do when I was with my family. But after a while, it got lonely and I did miss my parents o_O; So its normal.
i live on my own in ma own house :) and its awesome
I used to live by my own well in barraks came back home now they want to kick me out no job :(
well this may not be a good sign -.-
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Although I have live alone for 3 years while I was doing my degree, right now I'm living with my parents while I'm working, because it is a nice way to safe money for the future.

It is true it will not last forever, but it will help me to have a greater budget to live by my own.
I live at a friends house while I finish off my high school career
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Living with a relative has its ups and downs. I get a house to stay in, but i pay rent Fml!
I live with my friends. But eventually I'm hoping I'll have enough money to go out on my own. It's WAY more enjoyable living alone. As then you can have physical relations with whoever you want whenever you want without worrying about roomates walking in.
Monster Girl
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