Do you live alone?

Do you live alone?

Total Votes : 6,011
I live with my family and heck, the picture's really nice :-)
I was living on my own, then an EF-5 Tornado demolished my city, now I live with a old friend of mine, and looking for a new city to live in.
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
Nov11beltwhipper wrote...
Black*star16 wrote...
There should be an option were it says "I wish I lived alone."

Go get a job.

Even then, you can save a ridiculous amount of money by living with family while you build your your assets.

nah I'd rather live on my own, I grew up with very strict parents and living with them is to fucking stressfull the only shit I have to deal with, is my own. plus kind of hard to feel independent living with your folks, or bringing a girl over " and these are my folks that I live with" just don't work for me.
solutions10 Universal Solution
I used to live at a private college, but then couldn't pay for the tuition and board anymore because I wasn't making enough money, so I had to switch to a state school, which was close enough for me to live at home.

I wasn't really happy about it, for obvious practical and social reasons. I was forced to resign as regular winner of cash and VP of the poker club and a popular op-ed writer for the school newspaper, two positions I was proud of. I tried making money with online poker for a while, which is about a tenth as fun as real-life tournament poker where looking at others is part of the game (and I'm a talker at tables to get reactions from other players), and that was going well, but then they banned it in this state, so I can't do that for money anymore, either. That's a serious shame, because I was good at it and it was a good source of income.

My parents also get on my nerves, and I don't like living here at 24. It seems way too old to live dependently. I do my share of the work, but it's still not ideal for me. I'm hoping to get an apartment with my a friend of mine sometime soon, once we both have established work.
I love living alone.
I can do whatever i want.
Live with the family thanks to college bills, soo in two weeks shipping out to Benning.
hentainerdpervert wrote...
I'm currently living with my roommate and hopefully our child hood friendship could grow to something more special, like the Hentai ones I read here on FAKKU! LOL

Why don't you leave this page with your comment up on your computer/laptop, leave the room to take a shower, your roommate walks in to grab something, sees the comment on your screen just as you coincidentally walk in at the same time, you freak out and yell out denials while lunging forward to block the screen all while accidentally knocking her onto the center of your bed, she flusters and says "if it's you I don't mind" then you go bullish and get on top of her, she gives you paizuri then you both make sweet Homunculus-style vanilla love while simultaneously declaring you always loved each other, and then ending with her snuggling together with you asking if you will take responsibility of which you hesitantly, but whole-heartedly agree

Try that then post here with results.
i'll wait for 2 years to live on my own
Last year at school before graduating next semester. Hope to live with my gf, but most likely cause of the bad economy will be living with my parents until I can find a cheap place or make enough money.
not old enough
I've been living alone ever sense 2009 after I got discharged from the Army.
i live with my beloved fakku :D
Part time working community college student fer dayz. At least it lets me save some money to keep on collecting DBZ paraphernalia.
im in the danger zone, hahaha.
Got my own flat. Waiting till my gf finishes study so she can move in with me :3
nomnidji wrote...
30mL wrote...
Forum Image:

AGREE!!!! well im live on my own... but you know im not realy live by my self... i have a notebook and cellphon....Without them i cant live REALY

i am already doing that walking naked even if my siblings are home
im about to move out in the spring for college
BAKARANGER524 wrote...
Well in a month I'll be in Boot so yea couple hundred others I'll be living with for a while lol

hahaha boots no joke just count the sundays and make it through to the end
ps it sucks soooo much
I think the next question should be a little more personal like,
"Masterbate much?"
a. Of course I'm on Fakku aren't I?
b. What do you think?
c. Every fucking day!
d. No, never I just come for the Lol's
e. None of you damn business! (<-- Someones touchy!)
f. Nope (... a.k.a. I HAVE NO SOUL!)
Where's that picture from?
Monster Girl
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