Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Total Votes : 3,224
Pepper spray and tasers... 'nuff said
i would love to participate in the Black Friday deal but hate the w8 and the people who being a douche about the parking space

this is another reason why i donna go to it :T

my mom made me stand in line with her so we could buy her grandmother a tv since her tv was stolen. it was pretty nice to bond.
I've never gone to a Black Friday sale. Especially not this year since a guy got shot at my local WalMart
i only went this year because i wanted to see all the fights ive seen online when black friday happens
Already deal with enough madness at Anime Conventions.
Vist for exclusive Doujin.
II regularly participate in the insanity but I was completely broke this year and now I have to work triple shifts to pay back my boss.he's usually pretty cool so he lent me a little bit of money. like around $70,000.00 no big deal.
Can't do Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping without leaving the house: can't go.
I Don't have the time or luxury to do those sort of things sadly.
given a choice, I'd avoid the crowds just due to the traffic. This year I participated though, despite previously refusing to. Was worth it though, got to watch a grandmother punch one of my roommates in the chest because he grabbed the DVD box set that she wanted just a second before she did. I had thought that sort of shit only happened on TV shows.
I like Cyber Monday much more
Neither since I don't have a job. I just use ebay. Maybe when I get a job that will change.
I dislike shopping. Especially if I'm in the same store for more than 15 minutes.
This was actually the first year that I participated in Black Friday.
Honestly, there aren't a lot of things that I want that would make me go out on Black Friday, but it's still something I might consider taking part in, only because it would be kind of cool to be part of a mob that tramples someone to death.
Forgot about it.
bought myself a PS3 (finally) and my first PS3 game Tales of Graces f
I haven´t participated because I´m so poor at the moment. ._.
I don't participate in Black Friday because it is a madhouse that can get you kill by a stampede.