Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Total Votes : 3,224
midnightzero wrote...
Didn't have money this year but if I did I would have spent it on the Fakku store.

My boss calls this "earning brownie points".

+ Rep for you.

I'm not a fan of overly-crowded places, so I prefer to shop online.
hiegen1 wrote...

I'm not a fan of overly-crowded places, so I prefer to shop online.

Australian sites tried doing that this year.....was the first time i considered taking part in this madness..... but the sites got WAY to much traffic and it took up to 12 hours to just get into the sites

so i learn't to never participate in this madness
hiegen1 wrote...
midnightzero wrote...
Didn't have money this year but if I did I would have spent it on the Fakku store.

My boss calls this "earning brownie points".

+ Rep for you.

I'm not a fan of overly-crowded places, so I prefer to shop online.

I wasnt joking I seriously want that fakku shirt.
I will ell you how crazy black Friday shoppIg is. I went for my first time this year and the line was above and beyond amusement park lines. When i finally get to the front a random lady runs in which in term starts a stampede of people. Naturally dozens of people can't fit through a single glass door. If you havnt guessed by now the weight of all these People shatters both glass doors resulting in shards of glass being lodged into people along with the ambulance being called and yet those with cuts, bruises, and glass shard lodged in their body, keep running around shopping dispite being covered in blood. I have vowed never to go black fri Shopping again.
Sadly I never have the money for either event
Since I already spend almost $600 on games every month Black Friday occurs in my brain everyday @_@ Though It's mainly because I can't handle money to well <__
Well, at least, where I live, we say that Black Friday " sellers sell for half of the double "...
That's why I love Brazil ~_~"
For the longest time, I've wanted a desktop built specifically for gaming. So, on Cyber Monday, I hit up Newegg looking for the parts I needed. Got some really good deals on multiple components.

I am now ready for PHantasy Star Online 2 ^_-
I brave the crowds. This year things went a lot more smoothly for me. Last year someone knocked into me and I fell and was stepped on a few times til I was able to get up ]:
It's always crap like TV's 95% of the time..

Seeing people get interviewed in line and say stuff like "I have a 36 inch t.v., but they're selling 42 incher's for 200 bucks!!!"

Just makes you roll your eyes..

Cyber Monday is a lot more "understandable" but it's really only a few sites like newegg for very specific stuff..
all i got this year was a wii u and some manga
Soo wat happen with the "can't go since have to work the black Friday" opinion
Time for a new poll, yeah? ;)
Things don't get any cheaper, so I don't buy them =/
This no longer the pole of the week.
Every black friday, i bought everything i can :D
I do take part in both Black friday & Cyber Monday. It was a blast and chaotic at the same time, and it was funny. xD
I can't participate because I live in another country orz
I prefer not to get raped.

It's too crazy