Do you regret dating any of your exes?

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Do you regret any of your exes?

Total Votes : 68
I've only gone out with one girl and even if it didn't really last that long(3 weeks) I do kind of regret it. Mostly because I really wanted my first relationship to actually work for a longer period of time, and also because I somehow felt that she might not have actually been that interested in me due to varying reasons. That and after seeing some hope for me with relationships only to have it yanked away with her breaking up with me so soon really does suck since it was nice for a girl to seem to act like she cared even if it was for a short time. I regret it a bit since somehow I feel that it is partially my fault despite people I've talked to saying it really wasn't. I don't really want to get back together with her but I do wish I had better luck with somebody else. Even if I have a 99.99% failure rate I somehow keep trying and failing lol.

Even though I know that most of the problems with me getting in a relationship/getting girls to notice me are self inflicted, and I really should fix it since people like a specific set of traits that don't align with me. At the very least I can say I don't blame it on something or somebody, I know it is my fault that girls almost never take an interest in me. Mostly to do with my limited interests being games/anime/manga/world events/politics(although I don't like arguing), being a shy person, negative ish personality, and a bit of a lack of confidence.
No regrets, time was fun while it lasted. Only ever had 1 gf though, and that went on for... just under 5 years I think.

Relationship just kinda ended after gf had interest in another girl. It was fairly obvious, and I saw that relationship come to fruit for about a year. Then it became a Polyamory relationship for about a month. Then I was "dumped". She won't speak to me anymore, which I still don't understand, since I thought everything ended on good terms.

Still it was fun.
I wish I hadn't ever gotten with my last ex.
We met through our drug friends, and ended up doing drugs together.. after about 6 months, I gave in and went out with him (while we were messed up).. then slowly throughout my year with him, he turned into a crazy obsessed boyfriend.. I wasn't allowed to do anything, I had to come home straight after school, even if he was at work, I wasn't allowed to stay at my parents house, or visit without him.. I could not hang out with my friends ever :/ and my friends hated him, because of these reasons.

Then he became abusive, and hit me a few times, where one time after he punched me, I automatically reacted by bunching him in the ribs, er where most people would have had ribs. (We was born without half his rib cage), and I almost punctured his lungs.. after that everything went downhill, and after 6 months of being together, he gave me a ring for Christmas, which put so much pressure on me.. I didn't know what to do.

One day a friend of mine and I started chatting again, and I ended up going to her birthday party, and realized how much I missed my bestfriends, so when I went home that night I told him I wasn't sure if I wanted to marry him.. two weeks later, I broke up with him.

Best decision of my life O.o and now he is happily with a lady that doesn't tale his shit ^^ !
You guys know the fuck why.
Anyone who I was in a relationship with was someone that I was really committed to and vice versa, so although in many situations, it hasn't worked out - but all of the memories are indelible and will stay with me. No regrets. =]
Moeiful wrote...
No regrets, time was fun while it lasted. Only ever had 1 gf though, and that went on for... just under 5 years I think.

Relationship just kinda ended after gf had interest in another girl. It was fairly obvious, and I saw that relationship come to fruit for about a year. Then it became a Polyamory relationship for about a month. Then I was "dumped". She won't speak to me anymore, which I still don't understand, since I thought everything ended on good terms.

Still it was fun.

^ That has got to be the best way for a guy to be dumped (excluding the her ignoring you part)

As for me, its kind of. I only dated one girl. Met her through my best friend, he put in a good word for her, and since she was my type and very hot i started dating her. Lasted for a month. She knew full well that i am not interested in women who have had intimate relationships with other men before me (because i only court women with marriage in mind, not sex), and before we started dating she told me she she never had anyone before me when i asked her.

Then i find out from her family (her dad let it slip when drinking with me) that she did have a boyfriend before when she was 18 (he was 25 at the time) who was very serious about her, and when she dumped him after getting bored, he got drunk as fuck from grief and plowed into oncoming traffic leaving him paralyzed (i feel sorry for him, but imo he is pretty stupid to do something like that).

After that i politely told her that i am very disappointed because she lied to me (i never hid the fact that i also like dudes from her, so why did she hide stuff?), and even more politely told her to go fuck herself (in fact, i was so polite that we are still on relatively good terms).

I dont regret breaking up with her since i never slept with her (i am still a virgin), but i do feel uneasy about getting into future relationships.
No because it helps me gain experience on engaging in relationships
I regret going out with my first and only ex that I have she was a completely fake person and would always compulsively lie to me even about the most minor things. It was a very unfair relationship see seemed like a great person and, I gave my heart for her and did everything I could to make her happy whether it be something small like buy her a rose or something big like be there for her when he Uncle died. I'd would always comfort her for her as well it wasn't all bad though I have a lot of good memories with her she even made me feel love at one point and for the first time in my life I felt as though I was truly happy.

She drove away all my friends thankfully I'm friends with them again I'm not sure where I would be if I didn't have them and be by myself I probably would have gone insane and went to even more of a depression then I did then when I found out she was cheating on me with about 3 or 4 other guys that I had no idea about. She played me good though she had a nice set up she would make me pay for everything even though as a guy I'm suppose to it would have been nice if she did more for me but, after knowing she was sleeping with everyone else it's not a surprise she didn't. At this point I'm merely rambling but yea I do regret dating my one and only ex and I hope to find someone who will like me for who I am and care for me regrettably for me I'm very sensitive and get hurt easily even though I may not seem like it.
While Ive been witb some silly people I have no regets. Everything you go through shapes who you are and you learn about yourself and what you are worth from the good and the bad. :) sometimes you can regret how you acted; maybe how you let them get away with treating you a certain way but who knows!
Im with a great guy now and I don't know if he would be in my life if it wasn't for past relasionships turning sour.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
This will be fairly long.

Danielle was a girl I'd had a crush on for years but we got together when she realised she didn't have a chance with a friend of mine, so I wasn't a first choice (story of my life). She was depressed at all times in the relationship, even for the most trivial things. She was even depressed when I took the effort to visit her every so often. Only fond memory I have with her is playing Rayman 3 and FF5 in her room. We lasted a good 9 months but when she got obsessed with World of Warcraft she began to ignore me days on end. In the end I ended it, every day was just depressing.

Raeanne was hot and had really nice tits, but I also connected with her really well. That is, until a friend and I stayed at hers for the week. She flirted with my friend the entire time which really pissed me off. I was hoping to lose my v-card with her but I never did. Closest we got was groinal grinding, then the bitch fell asleep while I still had a hardon. Then our closeness just went downhill as the week passed until we were practically at each other's throats. Worst week of my life. I did block their toilet though, embarrassing at the time but now I see it as some sort of sick revenge.

Rebecca, who lied to me about her age. She claimed she was 16, the legal age here. In reality she was 14 (and I was 17 at the time). She broke up with me on my way to see her, but when I got to hers we fucked anyway. She was my first. She also had a stinky vadge, was nasty. Got back with an ex a week after she broke up with me.

Hannah was a good friend of mine for years, until we admitted we'd liked each other. She came down to mine to stay the night, and it was then I found out that she was just using me to get over her ex, whom she texted the entire night after we fell out over me not taking her clothes off when she expected me to. Everything I did was wrong, and she lied about getting pregnant with my kid just to break up with me, only to go on to get back with said ex. Now she "hates" me for some reason and continues to do so even though we "sorted" things about 3 or 4 times.

Izzy wasn't the most attractive girl in the world but I really liked her. Met up with her in London and while out, I turned down the offer of having sex in a park full of people. She got all arsey with me after that and got with someone else a couple of weeks later and only (very rarely) unblocks me on Fagbook to have passive-aggressive digs at me and boasts about how great her life is.

Chloe, former friend of Rebecca. We'd had this on-off thing for years but suddenly began speaking to her one day out of the blue and it escelated from there. Visited her twice, and on the second time she held a house party where we both got pretty smashed and even had drunken sex, before she vomited in the kitchen. In the morning her mum chewed us all out and Chloe accused me of wanting her dead (completely ignoring the fact I was pretty wankered myself and in no fit state to look after anyone) and how her best friend had to help her out. She broke up with me when I got home and a week later got back with her ex Lawrence, after she and her family bitched about him in front of me. Like, proper taking the piss.

I guess I don't "regret" any of them per sé, just makes me realise that I always went for the crazy ones who treated me like shit.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
The last two I dated were both seriously Yandere. I regret them both, but the last one most of all.

The first girl was pretty messed up, from an incident with her last boyfriend - He shot her in a parking lot during their break-up. I was never really attracted to her, but she practically threw herself at me so I asked her out. On our first and only date, she insisted on doing the driving and when we reached the restaurant, she pulled a small hatchet from beneath her seat and waved it under my nose. "This is what I'm going to use on you, if you ever mistreat me," she said. She went on to tell me of the gun she also kept in her trunk. There was never a second date.

The last relationship grew serious enough to last eight months, with talk of marriage. Everything started out great and we got along really well. Month-by month, however, pieces of her life began to surface that she had kept hidden from me. I learned she had tried to commit suicide, was on Prozac, was in debt up to her eyelashes and had some serious sexual issues. In the end, as our relationship started to get rocky she took me for almost every spare penny I could scrape together so she could buy clothes for school. Later, she tried to re-connect, but I was a poorer but wiser man by then.
Well, this is a tough one. Half of me still bitter about my ex breaking up with me after almost 4 years of dating. 4 years is a lot (about a quarter of my life), but honestly I thought she would be the one, but now after a year later, I've grown to realize that (forgive me for being cheesy) "There are many fish in the sea". We were pretty physical in our relationship but no intercourse (I was raised that way). At first I thought it was my fault, then i realized that she broke my heart because she wasn't into LDR, since we were going to different universities. I still think it's silly that she would break up with me over such a small thing, but hey, if something so small would break us apart, we must not really be that close. "Time heals all wounds"
Yes, a few of them, actually. Some more than others, but eh. It happens. You can't learn if you don't make mistakes
I voted no because I've only had two other "relationships" before my current one to really reflect on. And they were both pretty lame to begin with, so there are really no hard feelings about it.

The first was in middle school with this boy I had a huge crush on. I was an awkward middle schooler and just thinking about the way I acted makes me wince, but I am glad he was my first serious crush. Really adorable guy, was into sports, and very kind to everyone. He was also really religious, which looking back on it, wouldn't have worked out too well anyway. My friends told him I liked him, we hugged and danced at one of my school's dances, and that's about the extent of it. People asked me the next day if we were dating and I basically denied it (mostly out of confusion). I just don't think we were right for each other, but I still have a great amount of respect for the guy and say hello when I see him. My current boyfriend actually talks to him a lot, so everything is civil. And what do you know, he's still incredibly hot to this day.

My second relationship was ACTUALLY a relationship, but it was entirely online. I know that works out for some people, but this was literally a recipe for disaster. Met on Gaia, he started talking to me about anime and what not, complimenting the photos I had of myself, then proceeded to ask if I wanted to "date". I must've been really lonely cause I jumped on that shit. We talked a lot on MSN messenger, would play games together on Gaia, even started texting. But I started noticing he was a bit of a liar. He would always go on about how cute he was, told me he was my age when he was actually a year or two younger (that really bothered me), and would even send me pictures like "oh hey i drew this for you" and it was a picture edited in Paint. He had a weird fascination with cybering and at first it was kind of exciting because I had never done anything like that before, but I got tired of it real quickly. And I'm going to sound nasty, but he did not look at ALL how he portrayed himself. I got my hopes up and when I actually saw a picture....uh. Yeah, not my type. There was also an instance where he tried to persuade me to quit the volleyball team I had tried so hard to get onto so we could spend more time together. You mean spend time on the computer together, cybering all day? Give me a break. He would always try to smooth talk me, but I still thought he had a pretty decent personality. Eventually, I could tell he was playing me for a fool, no matter how nice he acted. After about three months of this nonsense, I told him I wanted to break up. Long distance wasn't working for me, among all the other reasons. He seemed upset, but since there's not much he could do anyway, he moved on/deleted me. Saw his profile a little while after that, and he had already moved onto another cyber girlfriend. I couldn't say I was surprised.

tl;dr no nasty break ups on my part. Maybe a little bit of regret on part of the second guy, but I just mostly felt really stupid and naive about the whole thing. I'm in a loving 5 year relationship currently, so no complaints from me. c:
It all depends.
I've only had one ex (I was her first too.), and I don't regret the first part of our relationship. I only regret how ignorant I was. She emotionally abused me at the end of our relationship by constantly breaking up with me, and a little while later wanting to get back together. I didn't know what was happening until we had broken up for the last time. (We had been dating for 2 and 1/2 years.) It was in a counseling class at college that I learned what emotional abuse is. I was horrified. I explained to her what was happening in our relationship, and she didn't even know what she had been doing. We're not friends anymore, and we don't even talk to one another. I'm glad we don't.
ToyManC wrote...
The first girl was pretty messed up, from an incident with her last boyfriend - He shot her in a parking lot during their break-up. I was never really attracted to her, but she practically threw herself at me so I asked her out. On our first and only date, she insisted on doing the driving and when we reached the restaurant, she pulled a small hatchet from beneath her seat and waved it under my nose. "This is what I'm going to use on you, if you ever mistreat me," she said. She went on to tell me of the gun she also kept in her trunk. There was never a second date.

Shit son, that's like straight out of a manga.

OT: Well, I had one gf in high school (lol high school) that I dated for about 2 years. She wasn't bad, but she had some depression issues, which led to her being emotionally abusive (i.e. threatening to break up over little things, blah blah). I don't necessarily regret dating her because I learned a lot whilst dating her, and, when I had finally had enough and just essentially said "Fuck you," when I left for college, I became a stronger person and learned to not take shit from people because I had been taking her shit for the past 2 years. So, it was definitely sucky at times, but I learned from it.
I met a girl, we had sex once. Then she started calling and leaving a shitload of messages on the answering machine, sat in my driveway and honked her car horn till the cops came at 3 in the morning. Oh, yea I was living with my mom at the time, she wasn't pleased at all. Anyhoo, I got a restraining order against her and gave the cops the answering machine tape (yea, its old) and the cops told me she's done this before but couldn't give me any details because its an open investigation. So, the crazy bitch tried to get her revenge by telling the cops I tried to run her off the freeway in my car one day. Unfortunatly for her at the date and time I supposedly ran her off the road I was on a test flight at 30,000ft. over the great lakes and I could prove it because the FAA says we have to fill out a trip sheet. Anyway, they arrested the nutjob for filing a false report. Thankfully, I haven't seen her since.
I don't know how many different ways to say yes. Wasted my time on someone that only let his inner crazies go on display once we were actually dating.
Yes I regret dating most of them.
Why? It was a waste of my time and money.
I did learn not to trust others, that relationships are an absolute waste of time, and I did learn that I hate sex.

Worst dating experience? I was once dating this guy who lived two hours away from me. One day I get a phone call at 4 in the afternoon, saying that he had hitchhiked to town and needed me to go pick him up. I lived 20min drive from town and didn't have a car. He ended up staying with me for a week until I got paid so I could pay for him to go home again. I had to pay for him the whole week he was with me, as well as get my studies done.
It's not so much a dating story, but this happened multiple times with different guys. One night stands, they don't leave, txt me constantly, get emotional when I don't respond, then give me presents. This is after knowing them a day. The ex in the previous story had the same behaviour.
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