Dream girl/guy

Whitish Blonde hair,long, preferably wavy, but straight or braids are also good.
Purple eyes (It is possible I have a friend with purple, not blue, eyes. I think it's a gene mutation though.)
Lightly tanned skin
Short (My chin maximum)
Doesn't like wearing lipstick or other make-up beyond simple foundation (Essentially nothing that's highly noticable)
Small breasts (A-cup, practically flat)
slim and healthy
Marriage eventually, and a couple of kids Max. 2
Likes Anime and games, has a different taste in music than me.
Not afraid to stand up to herself and argue but still loves me.

... I guess I'm into the little sister type.
Light skinned to tan skinned
Tall, 6+ feet (preferably no higher than an extra six inches)
Blue eyes
Dark hair, curly and short
Has a deep voice, mmmmm
Preferably somewhat a bookworm
Wears glasses
Generally kind, mature

Someone I can be comfortable around...

Well, everyone's being quite specific so... x)
Long hair. Kind personality. Tall. Intelligent. Long Legs. C-Cup.
In terms of personality: Loves to have a laugh, but knows when to focus and be serious. Outgoing and open minded. Knows how to keep a flowing conversation and likes to party and drink. Someone I can treat like a best friend and understands me
Looks: Nice legs, long black hair and pale skin. Height up to my nose and has a great smile and laugh

Btw sorry for the clichés but I am currently describing a girl I am interested in
wndyd wrote...
In terms of personality: Loves to have a laugh, but knows when to focus and be serious. Outgoing and open minded. Knows how to keep a flowing conversation and likes to party and drink. Someone I can treat like a best friend and understands me
Looks: Nice legs, long black hair and pale skin. Height up to my nose and has a great smile and laugh

Btw sorry for the clichés but I am currently describing a girl I am interested in

Nice. Hope it goes somewhere for you.
Skin: Anything as long as it's perfectly uniform. Any Colour eyes as long as the eyes are shaped nicely. A soft voice that exudes modest, yet confident femininity. Graceful. A supple YOUNG (greater than 16, younger than 27) body with soft yet firm skin. NO tattoos. A body like sofia vegara. Be able to cook and clean. A loving, nurturing mother.

I would also like to hit her during role/foreplay. Not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to leave bruises so when I touch them later she winces.
i don't care about height

sporty with good body little tomboy on the side i dont mind a little fat but she got to be in shape

really smart not ive got 4 phd smart but still smart

wants a children i want a house filled with children and (3-6) like my family(+pets dogs )

love to try new tings learning new stuff and most important traveling (been to France USA Greece Vietnam japan and i don't plan to stop)

most important family my family is very important to me, it always comes first in my time. so if she cant stand the in-laws then i cant stand her.
Preferably shorter than myself, a lithe body, intelligent, likes cats, she doesn't have to want kids but if she did that would be amazing. Mostly I want a girl who can cut through the Bullshit and see what really matters.

I love dark, dark hair and bright eyes, a B cup or bigger, but not gargantuan. A great ass is a must, as is a love for Pokemon. Those two are deal breakers if she doesn't have them.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
My wife now.

Awesome. No more searching for you.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
My wife now.

Lucky bastard...
Short, Short dark hair, Green eyes,
Very intelligent
Musically diverse

6 ft, short blonde hair, goatee
Very intelligent
Musically diverse
Lionel Logue wrote...
Short, Short dark hair, Green eyes,
Very intelligent
Musically diverse

6 ft, short blonde hair, goatee
Very intelligent
Musically diverse

Well lol Aren't YOU prepared? XD
Lionel Logue wrote...
Short, Short dark hair, Green eyes,
Very intelligent
Musically diverse

6 ft, short blonde hair, goatee
Very intelligent
Musically diverse

Ready for any situation.
Outspoken, goal oriented, modest, intelligent, sweet, humorous, witty, considerate, generous and loyal; to name a few.
Laduree wrote...
Outspoken, goal oriented, modest, intelligent, sweet, humorous, witty, considerate, generous and loyal; to name a few.

Well...someone is picky...
JamesonM wrote...
Laduree wrote...
Outspoken, goal oriented, modest, intelligent, sweet, humorous, witty, considerate, generous and loyal; to name a few.

Well...someone is picky...

I could have thrown in: drop dead gorgeous smile, 6'3'' tall, golden sun-kissed complexion and drives a 2012 Ferrari too.
But, luckily, I'm not "picky" AND shallow ^_~

In all seriousness though, I listed things that I find that most people
should possess in order to have a "working/lasting relationship", no?
And I don't think I listed anything that was unattainable or unheard of; don't most people have these qualities anyhow(?).
Well, to each their own.

Laduree wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
Laduree wrote...
Outspoken, goal oriented, modest, intelligent, sweet, humorous, witty, considerate, generous and loyal; to name a few.

Well...someone is picky...

I could have thrown in: drop dead gorgeous smile, 6'3'' tall, golden sun-kissed complexion and drives a 2012 Ferrari too.
But, luckily, I'm not "picky" AND shallow ^_~

In all seriousness though, I listed things that I find that most people
should possess in order to have a "working/lasting relationship", no?
And I don't think I listed anything that was unattainable or unheard of; don't most people have these qualities anyhow(?).
Well, to each their own.


See, I was just teasing lol

Laduree wrote...
I could have thrown in: drop dead gorgeous smile, 6'3'' tall, golden sun-kissed complexion and drives a 2012 Ferrari too.
But, luckily, I'm not "picky" AND shallow ^_~

That line just...wow lol
Around 5'3"- 5'4"
Bust: 91cm(E)
Waist: 59cm
Hips: 86cm
loves hentia/anime/ and video games
doesn't care what hair color
light skinned if possible
doesn't really want kids, mostly wants to adopt

OH wait, I already know a girl like that, my gf!!
My dream girl, would have nice golden hair, green eyes, nice bust. Completely faithful, and very obsessive. Can defend herself if needed,and loves video games, and anime. It would be nice if she also had a keen interest in animals.
Monster Girl
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